punishable by death

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They padded through the streets in silence, Korra's shoulders rigid with anger.

"How was your day, sweetie," Khione raised her eyebrow from behind Korra as Mako greeted her.

Korra jumped off Naga, thrumming with fury.

"Oh, fabulous. My tribe's about to go to war and I'm supposed to stop it, but will anyone listen to me? No! And I didn't ask for my father's help! Can't he just let me be the Avatar?"

Korra ranted, leaning on Naga indignantly as Khione climbed off, nodding hello at Mako.

"Uh, do you want advice? Or am I just supposed to listen? Still not clear on that," Mako asked hesitantly, looking confused.

Korra sighed, lowering her head. "I'm sorry. My dad just gets me all worked up."

"How about you take a break from all this Avatar stuff and we go out for a quiet dinner. Just the two of us?" Mako placed his hands on Korra's shoulders, both of them smiling, as Khione shifted awkwardly in the background.

"Just the two of us, huh," Khione said flatly, sitting near Korra, having tagged along when Bolin had begged her to come. 

Korra shot Khione a half-hearted glare.

"Isn't this fun?" Bolin stressed, a forced smile on his face, hands clasped.

"We never get to spend enough time together. Just the... six of us. So fun..." He looked at the twins, smiling nervously as he rested a hand on his chin.

The twins shared a blank look.

"Excuse us while we retrieve more sustenance," They stood up, their movements synchronised. As soon as they were out of earshot, Bolin's happy smile melted off his face, replaced by pure dread.

"You guys gotta save me," He whispered desperately, leaning forward.

"I thought you were breaking up with her? What happened to 'ripping off the leech'?" Mako replied.

Khione leaned forward to look at him, her eyebrows raised.

"Did you actually say that?" Khione intoned judgementally, before sharing an amused look with Korra. Mako scratched his head in embarrassment. 

"I tried! But every time I bring up the subject, She threatens to freeze me in a block of ice and feed me to dolphin-piranhas!" Bolin gestured wildly as he spoke, looking terrified.

"She threatened to freeze you and feed you to dolphin-pirahnas," Khione repeated blandly. 

"Yes! You know them, you gotta help me. She'll listen to you," Bolin looked close to bursting into tears. 

Khione raised an eyebrow, eying Bolin apathetically. "Do I look like a have a death wish? Besides, Eska listens to me when she wants to. Emphasis on the want." 

"So it was more like you tugged at the leech," Mako deadpanned.

"Yes! Over, and over, and over, and over again, but it won't come off! Why didn't you warn me your cousin had the power to reach into my heart and crush my soul with her bare hands!"

"Uh, because I thought it was obvious?" Korra answered, as Mako crossed his arms.

"No no, not to me! I'm bad at reading people, you should know that by now!" He clutched his hand to his face in despair, before leaning on the table.

"Do something, Avatar! Khione?" He begged, as Eska and Desna approached, their expression identical and equally emotionless.

"And that would be my cue to leave," Khione unfolded her hands from her lap, taking her cane and standing up.

the legend of khione || korraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon