when in ba sing se

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Khione had been to Ba Sing Se, once, with her father when she was little. She'd spent days with him in the upper ring, eating sweet candies and visiting quaint little tea shops and wearing her hair in the pretty styles of the Earth Kingdom. It seemed like a lifetime ago, when she'd walked through those streets, perfectly content, holding her father's hand.

Then, he'd taken her North. She hadn't visited the city since, but the little girl inside of her yearned to be running through the walled city again.

"It's so exciting to be on a diplomatic mission to Ba Sing Se. What's the Earth Queen like?" Korra asked, leaning beside Khione on the railing. Their shoulders were pressed together, Khione's cheek resting on Korra's shoulder, as they watched Bumi and Kai spar. 

"I've never met her, but I've heard she can be quite... demanding," Tenzin admitted.

"I've heard that she's an absolute nightmare," Khione offered flatly, her wrists dangling lazily over the rail.

"This is it, Mako!" Bolin sprinted to the railing, leaning over it precariously. "This is where dad grew up. Come here, look! Look!" He said excitedly, waving his brother over.

"Okay, I'm coming," Mako said amusedly.

Ahead of them stood the unscaleable wall of Ba Sing Se, one of the most impressive feats of architecture in the world. Khione's fingers lightly drummed against the railing as they flew over the wall and into the lower ring.

"I wonder how many airbenders are down there," Korra breathed, leaning over to peer at the city below them. Khione wrinkled her nose as the smell from the lower ring registered, and Korra physically recoiled.

"Ugh, the lower ring looks terrible," She said as they passed over a murky river, the nearby houses grimy and poorly built. The lower ring of Ba Sing Se were, in other words, slums home to the impoverished and poor.

"Yeah," Bolin agreed, looking nauseous, "I can smell it from here. No wonder dad left."

Khione pursed her lips as they flew over the middle ring with its neat white buildings and beautiful dark green roofs, and into the upper ring.

Every gabled roof was gilded gleaming gold, accentuating the reds of the palace walls. Their airship landed in a sprawling courtyard, emerald banners gently rippling in the breeze.

"Avatar Korra, Master Tenzin, It is a pleasure to welcome you and your party to the upper ring of Ba Sing Se. I am Grand Secretariat Gun." He bowed low, his rich silken green robes an indication of his status.

"Thank you," Korra bowed back politely.

Bolin strode forward, taking in a deep breath. Pabu stood on his shoulder, and Naga followed him, huffing.

"Ah, it's got that upper ring smell."

"Oh no, the queen hates animals. We've got to get them out of sight," Gun said nervously, folding his hands together.

"Well, I can stash Pabu in my shirt." Bolin scratched his head, glancing at Naga and Oogi. "These two are gonna be a lot tougher."

"Come with me, hurry. I'll take you to your quarters." Gun hurried them along through a gorgeous garden. Blossoming pink lilies sat on the water in their lilypads, bobbing as giant koi swam through their crystal waters. Khione's fingers skimmed the intricately carved wooden railing as they crossed over a bridge.

"Now, when you meet the queen, make sure you bow low enough. That's very important. And don't look her in the eye, she can't stand that. If any food is served, don't eat before she eats. Oh, actually, I have to taste her food first, then she eats, then you eat. Better yet, just don't yet," Gun recited nervously.

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