the terror within

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Funny, isn't it, how life will always catch you off guard at the best of times. They were meant to be safe in Zhaofu. Korra was meant to be safe.

And despite telling herself to always be wary, Khione had begun to relax. The anxiety that plagued her, like a shadow, had eased.


So when Bolin yelled out in the dead of night, Khione felt like she was plunging into a dark sea of fear all over again.

She slammed the door open as alarms began blaring in the estate, huge blinding lights switching on. Khione was wearing nothing but a silken long-sleeved top and pants, having grabbed nothing but her water pouches on the way out.

In the dark courtyard, Lin and other metalbenders forced metal platforms around the intruders, sealing them in.

"We have you surrounded, it's over. Release the Avatar!" One of the guards shouted.

There was nothing but silence, before the ground beneath them began to bubble, glowing red. Lava, Khione thought numbly. It spread on the floor like a pool of blood, eating at the stone floor. The metal platforms slowly fell outward, revealing the four intruders, lit dimly by the lava. Khione recognised each person.

She'd waylaid Tenzin ages ago during the trip to Ba Sing Se, until he had told her each of their names.

Zaheer, who she'd already known. P'Li, the combustion-bender. Minghua, the waterbender, and Ghezan, the earthbender. Scratch that, Khione thought bitterly. The lavabender.

"No way. That guy is lavabending! That's awesome-ly not good for us," Bolin said, his eyes wide. Lin grunted, pulling up a metal platform as a shield. They ducked under, occasionally standing up to take a useless shot at the criminals. Khione stood up, slashing her arms down, sending spires of ice at the criminals. The lava-bender knocked them away, causing them to explode into the lava.

To their left, a metal platform slammed into place as a beam from P'Li exploded behind it. Su and her twins rushed to kneel beside the rest of the group.

"How did they get in here?" Lin demanded angrily.

"I don't know, but we're not letting them escape," Su replied, as another explosion rocked the yard. Khione glanced at her dwindling supply of water, and then at the moat.

"There's no way we can cross that moat," Asami said helplessly.

"We don't need to cross it. Lin and I can drop in from the dome on some cables," Su said, glancing at the domed ceiling.

"That's a great idea, except we'll get blown up the second that third-eyed freak sees us," Lin retorted, shielding her face as another explosion rocked their metal platform, proving her point.

"She's a combustion-bender. If one of you can stun her, her powers will be knocked out temporarily."

"Bolin can land a shot," Mako offered.

"I can?"

"What about the waterbender? She'll cut our wires down the second we're in the sky," Lin snapped.

"I can distract her," Khione said, her voice sharp like serrated blades. "But I need more water."

"There's a river in the courtyard below us. Can you reach the water from here?" Su supplied.

Khione shut her eyes, waiting for the familiar tug of water flowing. She found it, a fresh, full source. Khione nodded coldly.

"Wait for us to drop down," Su said, before she and Lin quickly moved out behind their makeshift shield, heading for the roof.

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