remember that you must remain neutral

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Khione surveyed the cluttered room, sweeping her eyes in a lazy circle. Varrick's mansion was painted an uncomfortably eyesore yellow, with intricately framed windows. She methodically poked the stuffed platypus-bear with her cane. Varrick's head peeked through the open mouth, as Khione, Korra, Asami, and Mako stood in a semi-circle around him.

Khione glanced at Korra again, noting worriedly that she seemed extremely furious.

"Unalaq is a liar and a traitor!" Korra snapped angrily.

"I've been trying to tell you that from the get-go!" Varrick yelled back, looking ridiculous from his hiding place.

"What happened?" Khione implored.

"I found out about my dad's banishment. Unalaq hired the barbarians to attack their tribe. Then he told them to hide in the spirit forest knowing my dad would go after them!"

"Unalaq wanted your dad out of the way so he could become Chief!" Mako deduced, his eyebrows raised in shock. "It was a setup!"

"Just like the whole trial," Korra muttered angrily, her eyebrows furrowed. "I can't believe I trusted him."

It was that look again. That dark fury that consumed her. Khione felt uneasy by that anger, the most dangerous part of Korra. Because here was the truth about her. Once you betrayed her, she would destroy you. Khione knew this. It almost gave Khione whiplash, how quickly she'd changed her mind about Unalaq.

"I'm busting my father and the rebels out of jail. I need your help."

"If you do this, there's no going back," Mako warned Korra.

"I know. Will you help me or not?" She turned to Khione first. Khione met her eyes, cold determination in them.

"You don't have to ask. I'm with you," Khione replied.

"Of course I'll help," Mako added.

"Me too," Asami said.

"Count me in!" Varrick somehow managed to lift his arm inside of the platypus-bear, as the door to the mansion clicked open, spilling light from the hallway into the dim room.

Bolin stood in the hallway, his hair slicked down, wearing clothes similar to the one's Eska and Desna wear. A black betrothal necklace sat snugly against his neck, as a small tuft of his hair sprang back up. Khione raised her eyebrows further upon seeing Pabu in a similar state.

"I don't even want to know," Mako sighed, crossing his arms.

"So, I'm guessing the breakup with Eska didn't go well," Asami added.

"No, no, everything worked out great. So great, she decided we should get married!" Bolin yelled, looking freaked out.


"Congratulations," Khione said flatly.

"I'm pretty sure the guy is supposed to give the girl the betrothal necklace?" Korra smiled sheepishly.

"I guess Eska didn't get the memo," Bolin replied, his face scrunched up in a pout.

"Look. The only way to deal with crazy women is to lie big and leave fast. Lucky for you, Varrick's got your back. Now, gather 'round Ping Ping. Let's talk plan."


"My dad's in there," Korra pointed quietly as Asami helped Khione from the stone hole in the floor of the prison.

Khione squinted, eyes adjusting to the light as she quickly checked her leg brace again.

Korra pried open the metal door with a bang.

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