this is only the beginning

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"I can't believe Miss queeny smug face had them right under our noses the whole time!" Korra said angrily to the rest of the group gathered by one of the staircases.

According to Korra, the queen was keeping her 'airbender army' in a compound right under one of the palace temples, a fact Jinora had found out by managing to spiritually connect with Kai.

"We have to get into that compound tonight and get those airbenders out," Tenzin said

"All right, we go in under the cover of darkness. Two small insertion teams and a third on the outside. Then all we'll need is twelve tonnes of blasting jelly, a medium sized bulldozer, and... does anyone have a badgermole who knows morse code?" Bumi planned, entirely serious.

"Who doesn't," Khione deadpanned, as Tenzin sighed.

A knock at the door suddenly caught their attention.

"Ah great, not the queen again," Asami complained.

"Everyone, act normal. And Bolin..." Korra commanded, as Bolin opened his jacket for Pabu again.

Tenzin opened the door, and Lin stepped inside.

"Lin? What are you doing here?" Tenzin said, his eyebrows lifting in confusion.

"We need to get Korra out of here immediately," Lin said seriously, folding her arms over her chest. "Her life's in danger."
"What's going on?" Khione asked flatly, exchanging glances with Korra.

"I just got word from Lord Zuko and Tonraq."
"Why is Lord Zuko with my dad?" Korra asked, walking closer to her.

"Zaheer and the others have escaped," Lin said to Tenzin.
"How is that possible?" He asked, his voice laced with disbelief.

"Because Zaheer is an airbender now."

"Hold on, will you quit ignoring me and tell me what's going on? Who's Zaheer? Why is my life in danger?" Korra asked, glancing at Tenzin and Lin.

Tenzin sighed. 

"Shortly after we found out you were the Avatar, Zaheer and three others attempted to kidnap you. Luckily your father, Lord Zuko, Chief Sokka, and I were there to stop them. We apprehended the criminals and locked them away in prisons designed to impair their abilities."
"So that's why you and my dad sheltered me away," Korra breathed, her brows furrowed.

"It was for your own safety."

"Why were they trying to kidnap Korra?" Mako asked, stepping forward.

"We spent thirteen years interrogating them, but they never broke. To this day, no one knows what their motive was," Lin said seriously. "Now we need to get you back to Republic City where I can protect you."

"No, I'm not running," Korra replied stubbornly.

"Korra, you don't understand. These criminals are like nothing you've ever faced before."
Khione narrowed her eyes. Maybe it was ruthless of her, but she couldn't help but think; If they were so dangerous, why were they still alive?

"Look, I'm not a little kid anymore. You don't need to protect me. I came here for one thing... to find airbenders and I'm not leaving without them," Korra said, and Khione knew that she wasn't backing down from her decision.

Lin seemed to realise the same thing, because she scowled. "Fine, let's get them and get out of here. Where are they?"

"In a military compound," Korra replied, her eyes filled with determination. "And we're busting them out."

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