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Khione was grateful for a brief respite to the adventures her friends kept dragging her into. Even if it was peppered with small, hyper children.

Khione, Korra, and the airbender kids were waiting on the docks, waiting for the small ship carrying their friends to arrive. Light fog had draped itself around Air Temple Island, and the sky was grey sleet, as if even the weather had been affected by their gloomy moods.

"You're finally here! Welcome to Air Temple Island, your new home!" Ikki said excitedly, waving as they stepped off the ramp.

"Yes, welcome to my domain!" Meelo added in an adorable voice.

"Well aren't you sweet, little monk child," Bolin replied as Pabu scurried down from his shoulder and through Meelo's legs.

"What's that fuzzy creature?" He asked, pointing at Pabu.

"That is a fire ferret. An arboreal animal common to the forests of the central earth kingdom." Jinora stated, as Ikki gasped happily.

"He's cute!"

"Thanks for sending the air acolytes to help with the move." Mako said.

"Yes, they've been amazing. Such tireless workers." Asami added as two air acolytes appeared from the ship, carrying a ridiculous amount of luggage.

"I thought you were only bringing a few things." Korra commented.

"You might want to rework the definition of 'a few things'," Khione raised her eyebrow as the mountain of luggage nearly tipped over. Asami flicked her on the ear, and Khione swatted at her hand in response.

"Trust me, it could've been worse," Mako promised.

"No problem," Korra replied, as we began walking to the courtyard.

"Everyone here wants you guys to feel welcome."

"Now for the grand tour!" Ikki said excitedly, stopping them as they entered through the wooden gabled gates.

"The flying bison sleep in those caves down there," she began, pointing to the right.

"And that's the temple grandpa Aang built," she continued, pointing towards the temple in front of them.

"And that's the greenhouse where we grow the vegetables we eat!" She finished, beaming at them.

"I have a couple of questions. Is this an all vegetarian island? Is that where you train airbending? Do we need to wear air acolyte clothes? Do we each get a sky bison? And final question, how many trees are on this island?" Bolin asked, earning a raised eyebrow from both Khione and Mako.

Ikki paused for a second, before quickly answering: "Yes, yes, no, no, and 10552."

All three newcomers looked at Ikki, both impressed and slightly astonished.

Khione coughed pointedly, ruffling Ikki's hair in affection.

"Kids, why don't you show Mako and Bolin where they're staying." Khione interrupted, ignoring Ikki's squeak of protest.

"Where are we staying?" Mako asked, looking around.

"You're a boy. Boys stay on that side." Meelo replied, pointing to the right.

"I'd be happy to show you to the men's dormitory." Junora offered calmly, before walking towards the building.

"I'm a boy," Bolin added as they followed her.

"Meelo, why don't you follow the boys." Korra said. Meelo nodded, before turning to Asami.

"We shall meet again soon, beautiful woman!" He exclaimed, before running off.

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