father figures and promises

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The one thing Khione could always count on to improve her mood was dinner. Despite how cold she might've seemed, she loved how familial, how mundane it was. Just a big, happy family having dinner together.

"We are grateful for this delicious food, for our happiness, for our compassion, and-"

"I'm not interrupting, am I?"

Khione's eyes snapped open as she met the gaze of a person she'd spent so long avoiding.

""This is my home, Tarrlok. We're about to eat dinner." Tenzin frowned, standing up.

"Good, because I am absolutely-" He began.

"What are you doing here," Khione snapped, and every member at the table flinched at the venom in her voice. Korra glanced at her, eyebrows knitted in confusion. In the time she'd known Khione, she'd never shown such vivid emotion.

"Tarrlok, please get out of my house." Tenzin cut in, afraid that Khione would start throwing insults, or worse, plates at him.

"Now, Tenzin, airbenders never turn away a hungry guest, am I right?" Tarrlok said smugly. Tenzin sighed, sitting down, shrugging helplessly at the glare his wife gave him.

"Get out." Khione stood as Tarrlok walked towards her and Korra.

"Get out right now, you sleazy, self-absorbed asshole." Her voice had grown deadly quiet, and Tarrlok chuckled infuriatingly.

"What, can't a father come visit his daughter?"

Khione prided herself on never resorting to physical violence, but in that moment, she wanted to throw him off a cliff. Behind her, Korra gasped, nearly dropping her cup.

"He's your father?" Korra asked in a hushed voice.

Khione scowled, her shoulders bunching. 

"Calling him a father is like calling me a ray of sunshine. And you don't get to use me as an excuse. We both know you're not here to see me. It's insulting."

She crossed her arms, glaring at him.

Tarrlok shrugged. 

"Fine. I'm here on official business." His eyes landed on Korra.

"Ah, you must be Avatar Korra. It is truly an honour to meet you. I am Councilman Tarrlok, Representative from the Northern Water tribe."

Korra stood up politely, bowing respectfully. "Nice to meet you?" It sounded more like a question, as though she was already wary of him.

Khione turned to glare at Tenzin, her gaze screaming: Get him out of here! He sent her a pleading look in response. Khione sat back down with a cold expression, staring at the food in her bowl.

Of course this had been coming. Tarrlok always waltzed into her life when he needed to use her for something, before discarding her again. She had mourned her father a long time ago, the second he'd stopped being her dad, and started being Councilman Tarrlok.

"I've been reading all about your adventures in the papers. Infiltrating Amon's rally, now that took some real initiative." Tarrlok leant over, smiling charminly.

"Oh, thanks... I think you're the first authority figure in the city that's happy I'm here" Korra replied, poking at her rice.

Tenzin spoke first. "Enough with the flattery, Tarrlok. What do you want from Korra?"

"Patience, Tenzin." Tarrlok smirked, as Tenzin glared at him. "I'm getting to that."

He turned back to face Korra. "As you may have heard, I am assembling a task force. It will strike at the heart of the revolution, and I want you to join me."

"Really?" Korra asked, tilting her head.

"What?" Tenzin said in disbelief.

Khione said nothing, her icy silence speaking volumes.

"I need someone who will help me attack Amon directly. Someone who is fearless in the face of danger. And that someone is you." He implored.

"Join your task force?"

"Korra. Don't listen to a word that comes from his mouth." Her words were icy cold, her face expressionless.

"Khione, please. The Avatar should decide for herself." Tarrlok admonished patronisingly.

"I can't."

Korra raised her cup in the stunned silence.

"I must admit, I'm rather surprised. I-I thought you would jump at the chance to help me lead the charge against Amon." Tarrlok regained his composure almost immediately.

"Me too." Tenzin murmured.

"I came to Republic City to finish my Avatar training with Tenzin. Right now, I just need to focus on that." Korra said goodnaturedly.

"Which is why this opportunity is perfect! You would get on the job experience while performing your Avatar duty for the city." Tarrlok tried to reason.

"Korra gave you your answer, it's time for you to go." Tenzin sat straighter, his face stern.

"Very well, but I'm not giving up on you just yet. You'll be hearing from me soon. It has been a pleasure, Avatar Korra." Tarrlok smiled good-naturedly as he got up.

"Oh, and one more thing. Khione, I could always use your talent on the task force."

Khione's hands tightened around her chopsticks, before she relaxed, meeting his gaze with a cool stare.


For a brief moment, he looked crestfallen, before he smiled charmingly.

"Bye bye, ponytail man!" Ikki yelled after him, waving.

Khione put down her chopsticks calmly.

"I'm sorry, I need some fresh air."

Khione wanted to scream. She'd completely lost her composure back there, and had lashed out at him. She buried her head in her hands, her fingernails digging into her palms.


Khione stiffened, but didn't say anything as Korra sat down beside her.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that," Khione immediately apologised.

"Hey. It's completely normal to have emotions. Well, maybe not so much for you, but..." Korra teased, trailing off.

"Can I ask what happened between you two?"

Khione stared at the empty space between them, her eyes haunted.

"He took my talents, and made of me... a monster."

"You're not a monster," Korra insisted immediately.

If only she knew.

"When I'm around my father, I feel so out of control. Like I'm drowning and there's no one around to save me." Khione admitted, curling in on herself, as if she could force herself to disappear.

"I'll save you," Korra promised fiercely, seizing her hands. She was bathed in the warm glow of the lantern light, her eyes shining. Then, gentler; "I know what it feels like to think that no one's there. I won't agree to joining the task force."

Khione nodded quietly, her gaze distant.

"Korra, I'll support you, even if you choose to join the task force. Even if I disagree with what you're doing. But promise me, if you do want to join, think carefully about it. My father is a manipulator at heart. I don't want you to get hurt."

Korra hesitated, before pressing Khione into a hug. Khione let herself sink into Korra's warmth, allowing herself to revel in Korra's steadiness.

"I promise." 

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