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Asami was mad. Mad at Mako, and even madder at herself for being mad at him. When Khione had arrived back, with Korra slumped on the back of Naga, Asami had been terrified at how frail her friend had looked. She immediately ran down to help her off, practically holding her up as the girl buckled, shivering. Khione was usually colder to the touch, but the girl's skin was freezing, and she was alarmingly pale.

She'd called for blankets and a hot water bath to warm Khione back up. Asami felt a little guilty for putting so much attention into Khione's condition, but in all honesty, she wasn't sure they would've prioritised her, when they had the Avatar to look after.

Asami liked Korra. Khione was very close to her, and anyone Khione liked, Asami was sure was good. But it was like every other person on Air Temple Island fawned over her the second she arrived. Including Mako.

He'd been at her side ever since she'd arrived, wearing that worried look on his face, holding her hand as she slept.

Asami was tired and irritated, like one wrong thing would send her off the edge. First, her father. Now this? Asami wanted nothing more than to curl up in her bed and cry herself to sleep, but she refused to let that happen. Not until this was all over.

"Let me help," Asami had offered politely, preparing to stand up. Korra had woken up, and was scoffing down a hot meal. She looked a lot better than she had earlier, the dozens of tiny cuts littered over her body healed.

"Wait, Asami. There's something I need to tell you all."

Asami exchanged a wary glance with Mako, before sitting back down. Korra looked uncharacteristically nervous, her fingers lightly drumming against the table.

"Tarrlok isn't who he says he is. He's Yakone's son."

Only Tenzin and Chief Beifong seemed to know the name, surprise and horror dancing across their faces.

"It all makes sense now. That's how Tarrlok was able to bloodbend us without a full moon."

"Wait. Does that mean Khione's also..."

Mako trailed off, leaning forward with a grave expression on her face.

Spirits, Khione.

She'd been so busy worrying about her that she hadn't even stopped to think about that possibility.

Korra looked absolutely torn. Chief Beifong raised an eyebrow.

"We need the whole truth, Korra."

Korra's face revealed the answer long before she said it.


They all sat in stunned silence, expressions ranging from confusion to fear to wariness.

"You can't arrest her," Korra blurted out at Chief Beifong. The chief looked openly wary at the idea of them housing a bloodbender, but shook her head.

"We'll figure out what to do about her after."

Asami stood up, her head racing.

"I'm sorry, I need some air," She mumbled, stepping out of the dining room to help Pema with the dishes.

Khione was a bloodbender.

Asami cradled her head in her hands, trying to figure out what to think about this. She was so confused. She could admit she was slightly more terrified of Khione now, but the longer she thought and the more she searched her heart, she realised she didn't care.

Khione had been her friend when nobody else had bothered. As cold and disinterested she might've seemed, Asami could tell she was trying to be kinder. But this was a cruel world, and she wasn't sure if everyone else would be as accepting.

"Can I get some hot water? Korra needs more tea." 

Wrong timing.

Asami was so very close to strangling Mako.

"You're a firebender. Boil it yourself," She snapped.

Pema paused, glancing between Asami's fuming and Mako's confused expression.

"I'm going to step out in case you two want to talk," She said gently.

"Is there something we need to talk about?"

"I've noticed how you treat Korra. How you acted when she was missing. You have feelings for her, don't you?"

"What? No! She was taken by a crazy bloodbender. How did you expect me to act!"

Asami crossed her arms angrily.

"And so was Khione. I don't see you acting the same towards her."

Mako groaned.

"Come on Asami. That's a stretch."

Asami couldn't believe the nerve of this man to stand there and act like he was a saint. She thrust her hands back into the soapy water, scrubbing violently against one of the dishes. 

"I like Korra, but you've been keeping the truth from me this whole time."

"The truth? About what!"

"You're really going to make me say it?" Asami shook her head furiously.

"Yes! Because I don't know what you're talking about!"

"The kiss, Mako. I know."

Asami had known for ages. The day after it, Khione had turned up at the mansion, looking serious.

"You deserve to know," Had been the first words she'd said. As she explained what happened, slowly, as if she was trying to find the right words, Asami felt her heart sink.

She patted Asami comfortingly, and looked at her, dead serious.

"Do you want me to order a hitman?"

Asami had laughed in surprise, then turned quiet. 

"If it makes you feel any better, I threatened to kill him for you," She said nonchalantly.

Asami gave her a weak smile.

"That's sweet, Khione." Then, she made a decision. 

"I want to give him the chance to bring it up."

"He won't." The words were flat, but not unkind. "He likes you too much to risk it, and he's stupid."

"That's gotta count for something, right? He doesn't want to ruin it?" Her words were nearly desperate, and Khione gave her a blank stare. She shrugged.

"Maybe. Although I still think you should dump him."


"Khione told you, didn't she!" Mako's eyes widened.

"Don't blame Khione for what you did. Do you have feelings for Korra or not?" Asami said sharply.

Mako sighed.

"Look, things are crazy right now. Can we deal with our relationship problems later?" He laid a soft hand on her hand, like that was meant to placate her. She summoned her inner Khione and glared at him.

"There might not be a relationship to worry about later."

a/n: watching maya winky asmr when editing this and its absolutely wild😭💀

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