korra alone

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The search for Korra was long, and hard, but Khione couldn't say she hadn't expected it. In fact, she actually enjoyed travelling across the Earth Kingdom with the airbender kids (not that she would ever admit that fact out loud). Despite their constant bickering, Khione knew they all loved each other, even if proof of their love was shown in... questionable ways.

"You did WHAT???"

Khione's head snapped up, the peace of the stillness gone. The sudden noise of the river rushed around her again. She'd been sitting on the bed of the river, crystal clear water swirling all around her. The sun, high above her, was hazy, a gold-white smudge above, refracting light lazily through the water. 

Khione didn't mind riding on Pepper, but she enjoyed infinitely more the feeling of being on land and having the comfort of water around her. Besides, it was the few times she felt at peace. Though, she supposed, there was no peace or quiet around the airbending kids. Not that she particularly minded. It kept her mind away from the flickering black guilt that coiled up in the back of her mind, returning like the tides.

Khione sighed, gesturing towards the water to her left in a graceful parting motion. The river obliged easily under her command, the water parting, leaping away from her path as Khione stepped onto the river bank, the spray of the river clinging to her skin. She stepped towards Ikki, who was glaring daggers at Meelo's retreating form, who was heading towards the forest.

"Khione, Meelo threw all of our food down the river," Ikki yelled as Khione glanced blankly at Meelo's back.

"Why in the spirits-" Khione sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Are you sure he threw it in the river? I would've felt it."
"He said he threw it as soon as we got here," Ikki yelled, practically vibrating in anger.

Khione glanced up at the sky. She was beginning to think that the spirits were punishing her.
"Ikki, calm down," She said, looking her in the eyes. "We'll be alright. I brought money, so we'll take a detour to the nearest town to get some food," Khione said gently, resting a hand on Ikki's shoulder. "And I'll 'talk' to Meelo when he comes back," She added, and Ikki frowned, looking down.

"He's so annoying," Ikki complained.

"Khione, can you please be quieter?" Jinora called politely, from under the shade of the tree she was meditating on.

"Oh sure, when it's Khione, you're so nice," Ikki yelled in frustration, throwing up her hands and stalking away.

Khione let her go, throwing a cold glare at Jinora, who looked instantly apologetic. 

"Can we go somewhere nearby? I'm feeling a place close by that's radiating spiritual energy," Jinora called out a few minutes later, uncrossing her legs. She looked hesitant, and slightly frustrated. Khione could relate. If even Jinora couldn't find Korra, she was probably hidden away in the most isolated place on earth.

"Alright," Khione shrugged.

They reached the overgrown clearing in a few minutes; at its center was a rock platform, little plants stretching through the cracked stones. A perfect statue of a monkey stood in front of them, eyes closed and sitting on its haunches. The airbender insignia was pressed on its chest, and moss crept all over the statue, like the dusting of snow during winter.

They sat opposite each other, cross-legged on the cool ground. Everything about this place calmed Khione, like the soothing feeling of water on her skin. Unlike Korra, meditation came easily for Khione. It allowed her to empty her mind of all her terrible thoughts, and become as still as the statue in front of her.

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