death in a dark chamber

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"That's it!"

Ahead of them on a stony mountain with five giant statues carved into its side. They each had monk robes and the familiar airbender tattoos striped across their bodies. Under the centre, and the largest statue, was a gaping cave.

With Mako's help, Khione slid off Oogi, landing on the dusty stone ground. She surveyed the land around her as Tenzin groaned, leaning against Oogi for support.

"Find the airbenders, and my family" He told Su. She placed a hand on his shoulder, and said; "Don't worry. I'm not coming out without our children and the rest of your people."

They entered the caves, walking in silence. Lin stopped, and let out a deep breath. Then, she slammed her foot into the ground, concentrated. A moment later, she turned, and began carving rock out from the side of the mountain.

"This way," She said gruffly, as Su began to help her excavate the tunnel. Mako raised his palm, and fire flickered to life, casting dancing shadows across their faces as they followed Lin and Su.

At last, Lin stepped forward, and the last part of the earth fell away, revealing a hidden cave, and right in front of them, a yelling guard. Immediately, Su attacked, sending a huge slab of stone at him. He hit the stone wall, and collapsed, groaning.
The other guard ran towards them, his mouth hanging open in shock. Asami darted forward, avoiding the boulders the guard sent towards her, and grabbed him, twisting him around and shoving her gloved hand against his back. He yelled out as bright blue sparks lit up, and he went limp.

Asami deposited his unconscious body on the floor as Khione glanced towards the airbenders, chained to the floor. Her eyes fell on Jinora, Ikki and Meelo, and relief flooded through her. They were unarmed, no cuts or scratches in sight.

"Khione!" Ikki cheered in delight, as Khione walked over with Asami, the latter taking the keys. Asami unlocked their chains, and the three children crowded around Khione. She closed her eyes as they hugged her tightly, before pulling away.

Khione blinked as she saw Kya and Bumi, their clothes torn, bruises and scratches marring their bodies, and her expression flickered.

She hurried towards them, methodically checking their pulses and breathing. One of the airbenders had eased Kya onto her lap, a girl with round glasses, flinching slightly as she met Khione's icy expression. She laid her hands on Kya's chains and a thin layer of water crawled up them, before freezing instantly.

Kya's chains shattered, and Khione laid a hand on her forehead.

Kya groaned, her eyebrows creasing in pain. Khione closed her eyes momentarily, before opening them again. She gestured for the airbender to hold her up, as another came to help them.

Behind her, Asami finished unlocking the rest of the chains, as Lin propped Bumi against her.

"They don't look so good. Khione, can you heal them?"
Khione shook her head stiffly. "Not to the full extent. I don't have enough water, and there's not enough time," She said sharply.

"Then we have to get these two out of here, now."

"What are you talking about?" Bumi said weakly, coughing. "I feel great."

"You guys get everyone out of here. I'll find Korra," Tonraq said gruffly.

"We're going with you," Mako said, as Khione straightened. Bolin stepped forward with her.

"You don't have to search for her," Jinora stepped forward. "

"I know exactly where she's being held."

They ran through the tunnels, deeper and deeper into the earth until at last, it widened, stopping abruptly. In front of them was a massive cavern, with huge, jagged green crystal formations dotting the cavern walls. Khione stumbled as the entire ground seemed to shake, and fire illuminated the darkness.

Khione stepped forward, instinctively searching for a way to help. Thick, metal chains wrapped around Korra's limbs, and her eyes glowed bright. She sent bright bursts of flame at Zaheer, who dodged each one with ease, flying higher and higher into the gaping opening at the ceiling.

"We have to help her!" Tonraq yelled as Korra flew after him, flames propelling her upwards.

"Look out!" Bolin yelled, as he raised a stone slab to protect them, the boulder Ghazan had sent shattering on impact.
"You and Mako help Korra. There's something I need to do first," Khione said coldly, her gaze fixed on Ming Hua. The two nodded, before running the way they'd come. Instantly, Khione opened her water pouch, and in one graceful motion, sent it swirling at her feet as she used it as an icy ramp to get down to the cavern floor. As soon as her feet met solid ground, Khione struck out, her moves relentless as she commanded the water. Minghua deflected each one, using her tendrils to move out of the way, navigating the jagged ground with more ease. Khione scowled as she righted herself, barely able to move forward. Minghua smirked, a jagged hooked thing, and sent spires of ice at Khione.

Khione raised her arms, and snapped her wrists, the icicle breaking in half and dissolving into water.

"You're fighting much more aggressively today. What changed?" Minghua asked, ducking behind a stalagmite, before sending a huge jet of water at Khione.
Khione scowled, one outstretched hand causing the water to explode harmlessly around her, before flowing to her sides.

"Well, you tried to kill my- to kill Korra," Khione retorted, smiling grimly as she slashed through Minghua's tendrils, and took control of the water herself.

"Give up, and I might just let you live," Khione said, as Minghua backed up against the wall of the cavern. She was being dead serious.

"Oh, it's not over yet," Minghua answered, and jumped down a gaping hole. Khione followed, her face icy as her water swirling around her, softening her fall. She glared around her, her eyes adjusting to the darkness, up to her knees in freezing cold water.

"Now it's over!" Minghua shrieked, and Khione whipped around to see Minghua towering above her, held aloft by tendrils of water. As Khione stumbled backwards, narrowly avoiding slashing blades of water, she couldn't help but think that; Minghua looked just like a spider.

Then, as Minghua raised another tentacle, this time sharpened by ice and pointed at Khione's heart, Khione raised her hands by instinct.

Minghua lurched forward, then let out a half shriek as all but two of the tentacles holding her aloft fell, and her body shuddered and jerked. This time, Khione felt nothing in her as she blood-bended Minghua, commanding the water in her body with her hands splayed out before her. She could see the panic in Minghua's eyes, the desperate attempt to break free.

For a brief moment, Khione felt the flickering of guilt that came with using her powers. Then it was quashed by a mountain of rage. Minghua was no longer just another criminal Khione had to deal with. She'd tried to kill Korra. If she let Minghua live... She might try again.

This was a matter of protecting her Korra.

Khione took in a deep breath, and looked Minghua in the eyes, her gaze as cold and dark as the water seeping into her.

"It's over, Minghua," Khione said, every word clipped. Then, Khione twisted her wrists, jerking them violently to the right, and Minghua's head jerked with it. The snap echoed in the dark chamber, and Khione let Minghua's body drop into the water. 

She watched the stillness of her body, the unnatural, grotesque angle. She closed her eyes, and wondered if this was the loss of her soul, the price of bloodbending. She'd killed Minghua, and she felt... Khione didn't even know what she felt.




All she knew was this: She had promised herself once, to protect Korra, no matter what it took.

If this was what it took, so be it. 

a/n: hi guys, sorry i haven't updated in a while, life was being a bit of a bitch :( anyways, hope you like it! i'll try to get another update out in around a week, so until then!

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