a liar and a thief

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"Well, I guess we should just go to Ba Sing Se and try our luck there," Tenzin said dejectedly.

They'd reconvened back at the meeting room, trying to think of new ideas. Khione glanced at Tenzin, seeing the helplessness on his face. She felt bad - the opportunity to save the Air Nation had been dangled in front of him and snatched away each time an airbender slammed the door in his face.

"I don't know what to do. I just thought more people would be excited to come with us," Korra admitted.

"Well, maybe you gotta do more to get them excited. You need to add a little razzle dazzle," Bumi offered, waving his hands.

"Yeah! Razzle dazzle," Bolin agreed eagerly. "We could put on some sort of airbending street performance."

"I was going to say we could cover Tenzin's robe in sequins, but that's even better!" Bumi and Bolin looked at everybody else with matching grins on their faces.

"We could always do both," Khione suggested dryly.

"It sounds ridiculous, but it might work," Korra conceded, glancing at Tenzin.

"I'm willing to try anything at this point. Not the sequins, though, Khione."

Khione shrugged apathetically, reclining in her chair. 

"Yes! That is the kind of enthusiasm I like to hear."


"Come one, come all, and witness the amazing airbenders. An airbending show that will leave you breathless, with wind!" Bolin crowed into his megaphone, an oversized moustache sitting on his face. When Khione had first seen it, she'd actually smiled at him, and both Asami and Korra had nearly burst into laughter.

She was standing by Asami, leaning on her cane, watching as more citizens of the village they'd visited crowded around. It was a small, dusty place, the buildings seemingly carved into the stone faces themselves.

"First up, the tattooed master himself! You know him as the son of Avatar Aang. He shaves every hair on his head, every single day. It's the one, the only guy with an arrow pointing to his nose... Tenzin!!" Bolin announced as Tenzin dropped his cloak, swirling his hands around him before an spinning arc of air allowed him to circle the crowd, easily hopping off in the centre of the mock stage.

The citizens gasped and cheered in awe, and Khione realised that these people had most likely never seen airbending before.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet. I have some serious news. We've heard that an escaped firebending convict has escaped around here. Now, I don't want to panic anyone, but if you see a firebender with a red scarf-"

Bolin walked to the edge of the crowd, nearly pushing his megaphone in someone's face.

"I see him. He's right there!" Someone pointed out as Mako pushed through the crowd, scowling.

"I am the escaped convict," He said lamely, "and you will all reap my fire."

Beside her, Asami stifled a giggle.

"He needs to work on his acting," She whispered to Khione, who smirked back.

Mako let out a pathetic plume of fire into the air, to the gasps of the crowd.

"Oh no, who will help us?" Bolin said, feigning worry.

"I will!" Korra stepped forward, hands planted on her hips. "With my airbending skills."

She swept out her arms in swift gracefulness, and Mako was lifted off the ground by a swirling tornado. He yelped as Korra dropped him, before catching him right before he fell to the ground.

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