end of a queen's reign

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Rage and fear hammered in Khione's chest as they ran from the cells, Khione trying her hardest to keep up. With her cane, she was able to shift her weight to her left. Unfortunately, it meant she was limping, badly.

Still, she gritted her teeth, following Mako and Bolin as they stopped at the entrance to the palace, Zaheer's message still ringing in her ears.

"Should we do something?" Bolin asked as looters swarmed around them, carrying expensive ceramics, paintings and even furniture, fleeing the palace with their stolen goods. 

"This isn't our battle," Mako replied, though he looked torn.

"Agreed. We need to get to Korra," Khione said tightly as they continued down the stairs.

"Right. Okay. Find Korra. Deliver message," Bolin repeated to himself. "Yeah, this should be easy. We just gotta get out of this city, and get to the desert, and somehow find her in the vast, expansive wasteland that goes on for thousands of-"

"Not helping, Bolin," Khione said flatly, cutting him off. He gave her an apologetic smile.

"We need an airship," Mako said, looking at the sky.

They ran down the stairs of the palace, into the courtyard and landing docks, and onto the nearest airship.

"Excuse me, may I have your attention please," Mako said to the several looters doing their best to tear the thing apart. "I'm with the Republic City Police, and I need to commander this airship to help the Avatar."

Khione pinched the bridge of her nose as the looters went right back to rummaging around the airship.

"Let me give it a shot. Hey, the queen's gold is on the third floor of the palace! Second door to the right!" Bolin yelled. Immediately, the looters dropped what they were doing, sprinting out of the airship.

"You just gotta know how to talk to them, bro," Bolin said smugly, as Mako walked over to the controls.

"They took everything! I mean, who rips out a transmission radio?" Mako said helplessly, holding the ripped wires in his hand.

"Some folks just do not have respect for other people's property," Bolin shook his head, then grinned. "Now let's steal this airship!"

"You know how to fly this thing," Mako said skeptically.

"Technically speaking, no," Bolin said, his hands on the controls. 

Khione poked him with her cane.

"Then get out of the seat and let me fly it," She scowled. Bolin pouted, but immediately hopped out of the seat, allowing Khione to sit down and survey the panels.

"How do you know how to fly an airship?" Mako demanded.

"Asami taught me the basics," Khione answered flatly as she gently pushed one of the levers forward. The airship rose into the air, hovering above Ba Sing Se.

The walls separating each ring had been torn down, and hundreds of buildings were going up in flames, sending thick, heavy clouds of smoke into the air.

"The whole city is falling to pieces," Mako said in shock as they passed into the lower ring.

"Mako, our family is down there," Bolin said softly, his eyes wide with worry.

"We're getting them out. Khione, let me take the controls," Khione let Mako into the pilot's seat as he manoeuvred them down to one of the buildings, flames licking up its side. 

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