spirit vines

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After the chaos of Wu's attempted kidnapping, Khione couldn't have spent a day more at peace than she was currently.

She was leaning against Korra's shoulder, tucked on the steps of the women's dormitory, reading a book. The atmosphere was blissfully quiet as Korra raised blocks of stone for Naga to chase after.

Khione glanced up as Korra shifted, planting a brief kiss on her cheek. Opal was walking towards them, looking extremely downcast.

Korra stood up, and took Khione's outstretched hand without a second thought, gently helping her up. Khione patted Korra's cheek, and the pair walked towards Opal, their arms linked together.

"Everything okay?" Khione asked.

"No. Kuvira has my family, and no one seems to care but me," Opal admitted.

"We all care. Don't worry, we'll get them back safely," Korra said reassuringly.

"Guys, there you are." Jinora landed beside them, rebuttoning the fabric of her suit. "I just felt a weird surge of spiritual energy coming from the spirit wilds. Something is wrong."


Honestly, Khione couldn't complain about flying with Korra. It was exhilarating, flying over Republic City, being able to move so quickly without any pain.

Korra set them down by the entrance to the spirit wilds, releasing her grip on Khione's waist and folding the wings on her glider. Khione ran a hand through her hair, smoothing back the hairs that had escaped her bun.

"Are you sure you felt a disturbance? Maybe you just had some bad food for breakfast," Opal suggested, after a while of them trudging through the vine-laiden ruins.

Jinora spread her hands out. "I'm telling you, I felt it. Maybe something happened to Ryu's tour group. We should've run into them by now"

At that, Khione's lips thinned. She'd never really gotten over her dislike for Ryu, especially after he'd bleached his hair blond. (it did not suit him at all)

"Yeah, but it's Ryu. They might be at the mall for all we know," Korra replied, sounding amused.

"Korra, can't you feel how strange the energy is?"

"No, but maybe I can get a reading," Korra said, her hand hovering above one of the vines. She closed her eyes and touched the vine. It glowed under her fingertips, illuminating her in a dim golden light.

After a moment, Korra yanked her hand away, gasping.

"Are you alright?" Khione touched Korra's shoulder gently.

"What did you see?" Opal asked curiously.

"It was Kuvira," Korra said, looking disturbed. "I saw her taking vines from the swamp. It must be affecting our spirit wilds. I bet that's what you were sensing Jinora."

"Why is she taking vines?" Jinora asked.

"Whatever the reason, I'm sure it's not good."

"We have to tell Raiko. This might help him convince the other leaders to finally take her down," Opal suggested, her brows raised in determination. Once again, Khione saw that flash of pure hatred in her eyes as she spoke of Kuvira.

"I doubt that this will sway the leaders, but it's worth a shot," Khione mused.

Jinora nodded. "I'll keep looking for Ryu and the others."


Over the course of three years, Republic City Hall had changed drastically, and dare Khione say, for the better. A great, beautiful tree had broken through the green glass dome of the main building, its thick branches emerging in lazy, glorious strokes. Thick vines wrapped around the building, like some giant had draped a mossy shawl around the hall.

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