the prince needs a babysitter

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Khione limped down the hallway with Asami and Mako right behind her, cursing every member of the Earth Kingdom's royal bloodline. They hurried through the restaurant, past several bewildered waiters and a few curious diners before reaching Asami's car. She jumped gracefully into the front seat as Mako took the passenger seat. Khione slid in the back, her cane clattering to the floor of the car as Asami sped onto the roads.

"Get in!" Asami yelled as Khione shifted to make room as Korra jumped into the seat beside Khione, careful not to jostle her bad leg as Asami hit the accelerator, hard, swerving in between cars.

The white van ahead banked hard to the right, turning into an alley. Asami followed, before yelping as one of the kidnappers raised a giant wall, cutting them off.

She swerved back onto the road, and Khione gritted her teeth, gripping onto the car so tightly her fingers turned white.

"We're losing them!" Korra yelled in frustration, leaning forward.

"Take a right on the next block. We can cut them off on 7th," Mako suggested. Asami stayed silent, but sped up past the intersection, missing the turn.

"You missed the turn! Where are you going?" Mako yelled angrily, his hands in his hair.

"I know these streets better than you. I built some of them," Asami retorted as they sped onto a bridge. Korra peered over the edge of the road, her eyes focused on the white van on the road directly beneath them. She stepped out of the car, her hands extended.

"What are you doing? Sit down!" Mako yelled.

"Shut up Mako," Khione hissed back icily as Korra propelled herself off the car with a gust of air, landing safely on the van.

A moment later, she'd created a gaping hole in the metal roof, and pressed the brakes. The van screeched to a stop as Asami drove down to meet Korra.

"Wu's not here. This guy was the only one on the truck," Korra said, gripping a man by his shirt. Mako stormed up to the man, grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him against the van.

"Where's the prince?" He demanded.

"Halfway to Kuvira by now," The man replied, and Mako slammed him against the van again. A demented smile crossed the man's face.

"All hail the Great Uniter," He said reverently.

Khione's lips thinned. What a silly name for a pretty dictator.

"They must've moved Wu to a different vehicle when we lost sight of them," Asami deduced. Khione turned as the blaring police sirens grew louder and louder.

Khione watched disinterestedly as Mako clasped the man in handcuffs and threw him like a sack of potatoes into the back of the police vehicle.

"Take this guy in for booking. Charge him with kidnapping, and tell Chief Beifong that Prince Wu is missing. Put out an all-points bulletin. We'll keep looking," Mako ordered the officer as he drove off.

"Where do we start?" Asami said helplessly. "There are thousands of cars in the city and he could be in any one of them."

"Or they might try smuggling him out on an airship," Mako added.

"Or maybe a boat."

"The one time I don't watch him pee, this is what happens!" Mako yelled.

Khione scowled. "Who knew one little brat could be so much trouble," She muttered, glancing over at Korra. She was standing in front of the vines, several little spirits gathered around her.

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