chi blockers

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Naga took them through the near empty streets of Republic City, her tail still wagging as she plodded down the roads. Khione's arms were draped around Korra's waist for security, and Korra took extra caution to make sure Naga wasn't rough enough to jostle Khione's leg.

The first thing she'd thought when she'd first laid eyes on Khione had been this: Spirits, she's pretty.

She was all sharp angles and gilded cheekbones, and knife-point posture. Her eyes were terrifying on their own; blank and cold, as if something had stolen all the warmth from them. She was dressed prettily, in a pale blue top with trailing sleeves and intricate silver designs. She wore flowing navy blue pants and black boots, half of her dark hair pinned up in a bun, held back with a silver hairpin.

She looked good. Really good. Korra was sure she was the type of girl who would kill a man, and then have time for tea afterwards.

Korra hadn't been too sure of Khione when they first met. If she was honest, she'd been wary of how icy and apathetic Khione had been, but she'd been wrong to assume.

Sure, Khione could be terrifying when she wanted to be, but Korra had warmed up to her enough to see glimpses of the girl beneath the withering glares and blank expressions. Korra hoped that Khione felt the same about their budding friendship, but honestly, Korra had no idea what Khione thought about half the time.

Because Khione was a mystery. One she hoped would slowly unravel itself to her the longer she knew her.

"Well, this is his usual hangout."

Korra glanced around them, at the Central City station. Even at this hour, it was still buzzing with people going about their business. Mako climbed down from Naga, and Korra followed suit. She held out a hand to Khione, who took it with a grateful look, gingerly hopping down. Khione hadn't taken her cane, instead favouring a silver brace with dragons etched onto it. Her hands were cold; they were always cold, teetering on icy.

They followed Mako to a few kids playing with each other.

"You guys seen my brother around here today?" Mako asked casually.

"Perhaps," One of the boys responded. "My memory's a little foggy. Maybe you can help... clear it up." He neared Mako, offering his hand for some cash.

Mako sighed, handing him a bill. "You're good, Skoochy. A real pro."

"Yeah, I seen him. He was here 'round noon. Performing some kind of monkey-rat circus. And then..." He stopped, waving his hand around more.

"We don't have time for this," Khione interjected, levelling the kid with her iciest stare. He gulped, looking nervous.

"What happened next," The words were like sharp knives, and Korra was glad she wasn't on the receiving side. The boy gulped, his eyes darting around.

"Shady Shin showed up and flashed some serious cash. Bo took off with him in his hotrod. The Triple Threats, the Red Monsoons, the Agni Kais - they're all musclin' up for something real big. That's all you're getting outta me!" He finished, running back to his friends.

"How delightful," Khione said dryly.

"What's he talking about?" Korra asked.

"Sounds like a turf war's brewing."

Mako turned to face them.

"And Bolin's about to be caught right in the middle of it."


"So, where are we headed?" Korra asked determinedly, urging Naga into a run.

"The Triple Threat Triad's headquarters. Hopefully Bolin's there and nothing's gone down yet."

the legend of khione || korraМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя