the hardest goodbyes

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Khione scowled, sitting on the floor, adjusting the equalist uniform Korra had given her. She had to wear her brace under her clothing, or else someone was bound to notice.

"Love you little bro."

"Love you back, big bro," Bolin and Mako hugged each other tightly as Korra helped Khione stand.

"Korra, Amon is a nasty dude. Be careful."

"I will," Korra smiled as they hugged too.

"You too Khione," Bolin turned to Khione. She nodded sharply at him.

"Thank you," She murmured quietly.

"Good luck. If you're going into the mountains, you should bring Naga," Korra pressed her head against Naga, who made a small, contented noise. "Take good care of Bolin for me."

Naga licked Bolin, covering his clothes in saliva.

Khione turned to see Asami press a kiss to Mako's cheek, before deftly jumping onto Naga. Korra placed a comforting hand on Mako's shoulder as Naga carried their friends away.

Khione pulled on her equalist gloves, flexing her fingers to get a feel of them. Following Korra and Mako, they walked into the sea, using the fog still obscuring the bay as their cover. Korra and Khione easily created an air pocket in the water, hands raised, carefully walking along the bottom of the bay, before emerging on the rocky shores of Air Temple Island.

Khione could feel the tension in the air as they pulled on their masks. She'd hidden a small flask in the pockets of her pants, carefully securing it. In any other case, she would've been worried about having so little water to control, but today was the exception.

Her real weapon was all around them.

The early morning was covered in mist, shrouding the buildings in a mournful haze. They crept along the terrain, watching as an airship tethered to the top of the temple. A figure entered the hull of the airship, his signature mask glinting, the wind rippling against his clothes.

"There's Amon," Korra whispered, watching as the airship began to fly away.

"We need to get into the temple," Mako replied. "Then, when he returns..."

"We ambush him," Korra finished, her voice hard.

They walked through the empty courtyard, headed to the beautiful temple. Just several steps away from the stairs, Khione stopped, feeling someone behind them.

"What are you three doing here," The lead equalist asked, looking extremely annoyed as they turned to face him.

"Uh, we were just transferred," Mako answered awkwardly.

"Well, you're getting transferred again. Amon wants extra security at the arena today," The equalist insisted impatiently.

"The arena? For what?" Mako asked, as Khione turned to look at him, glaring.

"The rally. You should've been briefed about this."

His eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"We'll be there sir," Khione interjected smoothly, bowing. Korra and Mako hastily followed suit. The equalist looked at them for another moment, before stalking off.

"I know another way in," Korra muttered quietly, leaning closer to them.

Korra led them behind the temple, to the outer walls, crouching in the greenery. She glanced around, before opening a grey wooden trapdoor, cleverly concealed. Mako stooped to enter first, followed by Korra and Khione.

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