date night

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Khione hated rainy mornings in Republic City. It was impossible to go anywhere without being tossed around by the wind. Paired with her knee, which always seemed to ache more in the cold, it made for an unpleasant experience.
As she neared the gym, basking in the warmth of the building, she could hear laughter ringing off the walls.

"It's been great having you at so many back-to-back practices, Korra." Mako said, a smile on his face as he took off his helmet.

"Feels good to be back. Although Tarrlok isn't happy about my leave of absence." Korra replied, looking much happier than Khione had seen her in ages.

"Hey, you joined the Fire Ferrets before you joined the task force." Bolin reasoned.

"Besides," Khione added, walking over to them running a hand through her wet hair.

"My father's happiness should be very low on your list of priorities."

"Khione!" Korra said happily, as Bolin and Mako waved at her.

"Any reason you're late to practice?" Bolin asked.

"The cold can go die," Khione said flatly, before unwrapping her scarf from around her face. She was surprised when Bolin laughed, and Mako smiled. She supposed they were getting better at figuring out when she was serious or not, which on its own was quite an impressive feat, considering she barely had any inflections in her voice.

"Okay, team huddle time."

The three of them formed a tight circle.

"That includes you too, Khione." Bolin added.

Khione hated icky emotions, but her heart swelled with appreciation and happiness as she joined the circle.

"It's our first match of the tournament tonight. I know the three of us haven't been a team for very long, but the Fire Ferrets have never been this good. Are we ready?" Mako said.

"We're ready!" Korra and Bolin chorused.

"Not quite." A new voice said from behind. "You'll need these."

Asami held up the brand new Fire Ferret uniform, smiling.

"Hey Asami." Mako smiled as he walked over to her.

"Good morning sweetie." Asami replied. Khione raised her eyebrow at the nickname.

"These new uniforms look great." Mako examined the uniform, holding it up with a smile.

"You look great, champ," Asami flirted back, before they both leant in to rub their noses together.

Korra looked like she was going to vomit, and Khione coughed pointedly.

"Well teammates, I'll see you before the match tonight. Asami and I have a lunch date."

Khione gave Asami a small wave, who looked surprised, like she hadn't expected Khione to acknowledge her, before waving back.

"Okay, guess we'll see ya when we see ya." Bolin called after them, waving.

Korra grabbed her gear, when Bolin sidled up to her. "So, Korra... there they go... Here we are, all alone in the gym, just you and me. Two alone people... together."

"Do I just not exist then?" Khione asked blandly.
Bolin blushed bright red, instantly looking apologetic.

"Uh, I gotta head back to the Air Temple to train with Tenzin." Korra said, hooking arms with Khione, who raised a brow.

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