love and pain

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Like Korra, Asami's affection manifested in physical touch. Khione was slowly getting used to Asami touching her hair, her wrist, every now and then. She was sitting where they usually sat, enjoying sugar glazed strawberries on a stick. Her bright teeth cracked the sugar coating, sinking into the strawberry. 

"And it's a knockout!"

Khione and Asami turned to look at the Fire Ferrets, who had stumbled into one another and fallen into the water below. They came up, Korra and Mako waving their arms at one another.

"What is wrong with them?"

Khione narrowed her eyes as Korra and Mako both tumbled off the edge again in round two.

Asami agreed, looking concerned. 

"Did something happen between Korra and Mako?"

"I'm not sure," Khione said stiffly, but a swirling suspicion tugged at the back of her mind.

They watched as Bolin faced off the opposing earth-bender, striking mid air at the man's stomach and knocking him off the platform. The crowd erupted into wild cheering as Asami took Khione's hands, shaking them in happiness.

"I got to go, my dad will kill me if I'm late," She said, leaving Khione at the entrance to wait for the rest of the team.

It was Bolin who she found first, eagerly clutching a pretty bouquet of pink flowers. He looked like a hopeful puppy.

Khione patted his cheek in way of greeting.

"Those are for Korra, I assume?"

"Do you think she'll like them? What am I saying, of course she will!" He replied to himself nervously, checking his hair.

"Bolin," Khione said seriously, partially to avoid him spiralling into a panic attack.

"If I was Korra, I would like them."

Bolin blinked owlishly at her, as if he'd short-circuited.

"I think that was the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

Khione shrugged, smiling wryly.

"Don't test me," She said flatly.

"Will you come with me?" He asked nervously. Yep. Definitely a little puppy. "You're like, my emotional support."

Khione sighed, but gestured for him to lead the way. They walked around the building, Bolin practically vibrating nervous excitement. According to what he'd said, they'd had a pretty fun date after she left. Not that she'd been making it not super fun, he added quickly. Maybe this would go well. 

How wrong she could be.

Bolin stopped dead in his tracks. Korra and Mako were standing under the gazebo, locked in a kiss. They broke away, blushing, before seeing Bolin. Poor Bolin. Tears welled in his eyes, and he ran away, flinging the bouquet to the ground, pink petals stolen by the wind.

Khione felt like those petals, scattered without something to ground her. She shot Korra and Mako a withering glare, and they cringed away, clearly afraid.

Seeing Korra kiss Mako made her angry, and she didn't know why. It was Bolin, she reasoned. He really liked Korra, and she betrayed him. But it felt much deeper than that. As much as Khione liked Korra, she knew that her friend had done a pretty horrible thing, but at the very least, she'd been oblivious. But Mako? He'd known Bolin liked Korra. She'd have to threaten him later, but her instincts told her that right now, Bolin needed someone with him.

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