conversations on friendship

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Khione promised herself to never give Mako her approval again. She'd agreed with him once, and he'd somehow managed to land himself in prison. She and Bolin walked through the dimly lit corridors, the only sounds being the tap of her cane and the almost cheery jingle of the guard's keys.

"You've got visitors," the guard assigned to them said gruffly, opening Mako's cell door. They walked in, seeing Mako hunched over on the bench.

"Hey Mako," Bolin greeted him, walking to stand in front of him while Khione moved to stand by the wall.

"Hey. What's with the fancy duds?" He asked, gesturing to Bolin's suit.

"I'm on my way to the big finale for 'Nuktuk, Hero of the South'. Yeah, everyone's gonna be there, even Khione, except for, you know, you. Because you're in jail... and stuff," Bolin replied awkwardly.

"Thanks for the reminder," Mako scowled, turning to Khione. "You're actually going?"

Khione certainly was dressed prettily for the occasion. She was wearing a gorgeously embroidered pale blue hanfu jacket and flowing navy pants. Half her hair was done up in a bun, pinned in place with a silver pin and her bangs had been styled.

"I was coerced. Bolin pestered me so much about it, I got a migraine," Khione deadpanned, folding her hands over her cane.

Mako's eyebrows shot up, and Bolin made a wounded sound.


"No," She replied flatly. "Is it so surprising that I'd go to support Bolin?" She asked.

"Aw, you're such a softie, Khione," Bolin cooed, throwing an arm over her shoulder. She glared at him, but he could tell she didn't really mean it.

"Say that again, and you'll die," She said darkly.

"Anyways, I brought you something!" Bolin said excitedly, grabbing a poster from his pocket. "I thought this would brighten up your new place," he said, unravelling it.

"I suggested bringing you a paper shredder, but they didn't let me bring it in," Khione added as Mako took it, looking unimpressed.

"Read the inscription," Bolin told him, ignoring Khione.

"Dear Mako, Nuktuk says keep smiling," He said flatly, before looking up at Bolin.

"Did you come by just to give me a poster?" Mako asked, as Bolin pointed two fingers at him.

"No, I came by to give you my sincere, heartfelt words of encouragement. I know our lives have been moving in two different directions, but I want you to know that I will always be there for you. We are brothers, after all. Even if one of us is a member of high society-"

"I highly doubt that," Khione interrupted.

"And the other one is a criminal."

"I'm not a criminal!" Mako exclaimed in annoyance.

"Of course I know that, but you do kinda look like one 'cause you're in jail, and that's where criminals live."

"I was set up! Varrick knew I figured out he was hiring gangsters to pose as Northern soldiers to get Republic City to join the war. That's why he had me arrested!"

Khione nodded. She'd hardly believed the story given to her by the detectives lounging around at their desks.

"Ah, I see what you're doing. You're going for the insanity defense. Smart," Bolin commented.

"No! I'm trying to tell you that Varrick isn't what he seems. Where's Asami, she'll listen to me!" Mako stood up, frustration leaking through his voice.

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