Chapter 30 - Ivan Kupala Event: Epilogue

Start from the beginning

"You mean the ones that were so far ahead of us, we couldn't see any of them...?" I ask, with a knowing grin.

"W-Well, if all you heard was a little girl screaming, you should get your ears checked!" The short girl snaps back.

"I thought you were screaming, not a little girl." I tease, causing the short girl to growl at me like an animal. "Okay, fine. I'll stop the teasing."

Cherino sighs and slumps into her chair. "Still, it's nice to be back at the secretariat. The cupboard is packed with snacks and the chair is nice and comfy. I'm exactly where I belong, the top office!"

"Sometimes, you don't know what you have 'till you lose it." I say, ignoring the memories that brought up.

"Sound wisdom, Comrade." The white haired girl praises. "I'm going to spend the rest of the day sitting in this chair and eating potato chips, not moving a muscle!"

As she says that, Marina walks in, escorted by State Guards, who stay outside and close the door behind her.

"But before that... let's hear your excuse 'Chairman' Marina." Cherino says with a sarcastic tone, sitting forward.

The blonde girl gulps nervously.

"You were a trusted comrade, Marina. How dare you take advantage of my nap to stage a coup?!" Cherino shouts in rage.

Can't blame her, she WAS betrayed, after all. And by a friend at that.

"You've committed an unforgivable crime!" The short girl continues.

"I'm so ashamed, President Cherino..." Marina says, falling to the ground in a dogeza.

"Hmph." Cherino makes a noise, annoyed at the prostrating girl.

"Out with it." I snap. "Why did you betray her?"

"Were you mad because I stole your pudding?" The white haired girl asks, slowly. "Or maybe because I drooled on your favorite teddy bear?"

"I told you, it's not likely." I say, sighing.

"Pudding? Drool? What are you talking about...?" Marina asks, raising her head, looking confused.

"P-Purely hypothetical possibilities, th-that's all!" Cherino shouts a bit quickly, before clearing her throat. "So if it wasn't one of those... hypotheticals, then why did you overthrow me?"

"Well, it's just... I accidentally broke your statue and-"

"Statue? What statue?" Cherino asks, cutting the bowing girl's explanation off.

"Th-The bust of you in the new building's hallway." Marina continues. "The statue was made to commemorate the building's opening last month. I accidentally bumped into the statue and its mustache broke off..." She says, lowering her head again. "Your authority was tarnished because of my negligence. Even though it wasn't on purpose, I knew there was no chance of forgiveness, so I-"

"Hang on a sec." I say, interrupting her. "Was the only reason you staged a literal coup, because you broke a statue's mustache off...?" I ask, slowly.

"Huh?" Marina asks, raising her head again. "W-Well..."

"Marina, you've been my right hand as the security chairman for such a long time. No matter how talented I am, I never would have made it to where I am today without you." Cherino says compassionately. "Losing a stone mustache is nothing compared to you. I'm far to merciful to punish you for something like that."

"P-President!" Marina says, surpised, her eyes glimmering with awe and hope as she rests solely on her knees now.

" what you were hoping I would say, RIGHT?!" Cherino shouts, suddenly.

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