Chapter 28 - A Russian Coup d'Etat

Start from the beginning

"That's a sound of a plan as any." I say, agreeing.

"R-Right. Then this is a temporary retreat!" The shorter girl declares. "I'm definitely not running away!"

"...No one said you were." I point out, causing the small girl to avert her gaze from me, nervous.

"Come on, let's hurry." Tomoe says.


Thus, Tomoe led us through a secret exit in the office, which led directly outside of the school. Then, we began to walk through the snow to the old school building. Considering this is like Russia, I wonder if there are any bears.

"Are you cold, Sensei?" Tomoe asks. "Even though it's nearing summer, Red Winter is still a cold place, year-round."

"Nah, this coat and stuff are enough." I wave off her concern. "Matter of fact, I used to live in a place colder than this."

"Truly?" The purplish haired girl asks.

"Yup. It wasn't for long, but it made me really resilient to the cold. The place would only get up above freezing on the hottest of days in summer, and even then, it was only a handful. Maybe a dozen days of 'warmth', and that's being generous."

"Ugh... We've already been walking for an hour..." The military loli whines, interrupting our conversation. She is now wearing her mustache, which she ALMOST left in the office. "Where is this place we're going?!" She roars. "I don't even see anything that looks like a building! How much farther is our destination?!"

"Red Winter is famous for being the largest of all Kivotos' Academies, in terms of land. It takes a little more time to walk to the outskirts, I'm afraid." Tomoe says, convincing me that this is Russia.

How would Russia turn out with Cherino as their leader...? Probably better than that idiot that was running it before I ended up here.

"I get that, but come on!" The white haired girl continues to whine. "Ugh, my legs hurt so much. I can't take another step!"

"Should we rest for a bit, then?" The taller girl asks.

"Or do ya want me to carry you?" I ask.

"Carry me." She decides. Obliging, I crouch down, allowing the short girl to grasp her arms around my neck. Putting my hands under her legs, I stand up. "U-Uhh... I-It's higher up than I thought it would be..." She says, shakily. "But I can see much farther, and the air here feels so refreshing!"

"I suppose I AM pretty tall." I point out. All the robot and animal men are much shorter than me. Hell, even Black Suit was a few inches shorter than me!

"So this is how Marina and Tomoe see the world..." She short girl mutters.

"Nah, they see it a fair bit lower than myself." I say.

"Wow, look at you go!" Tomoe cheers on her president. "You're like a monkey hanging off a tree! So cute, err... I mean, dignified!"

"Y-You think so?" The short girl asks with an awkward chuckle.

"How about a photo to commemorate this moment?" The taller girl asks, a smile and faint blush on her face.

"Feel free! I won't be hidden in the photo if I'm all the way up here!" Cherino says.

Tomoe, does so by pulling out her phone and taking a few pictures of the small girl. "Wow! Look, Cherino. You look so tall when you're on Sensei's back!"

"Let's see..." Cherino says, looking at the secretary's phone. "You're right! Hehe. This is great. Once I'm back in power, I'll have someone let me ride on their back all the time. No one will be able to look down on me ever again!" She says with a boisterous laugh.

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