"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I know what happened," Max laughed.

No, no, no. What's going on? What's happening? Why is there laughter and not yelling?

"Our cleaning lady sometimes gets odd bits of Phoebe's clothes stuck in mine She must not have realized and accidentally put them in with my clothes pile this morning. I must have stupidly, not seen it," he snickered.

I froze. He did have a point.

But surely Lara wouldn't believe that. Surely Lara would be suspicious of that reasoning...

"Oh yeah, of course," Lara laughed. "My mum does the same thing with me and my brother. Don't worry, I believe you."

And with that one sentence, all hope was destroyed. Sebastian threw his head back and aggressively rolled his eyes, seeming equally as peeved off as me. Our plan had utterly failed. Miserably so. And now we were once again stuck with each other.

In the next few minutes, we heard Lara and Max agree to watch a movie. Since they decided to stay in Max's room, we were left with no other choice but to stand squished up together in the closet like idiots.

Now that all the drama was over, I was becoming all too aware of how tightly pressed to each other Sebastian and I were. The section of the wardrobe I had dragged us in was extremely cramped, and could barely fit one person, never mind two. My hand that still lay on his chest, rose and fell with his every breath, and only made me more nervous.

At this point, I was avidly avoiding Sebastian's gaze, so embarrassed by our position. Finally, unable to resist the temptation, I stupidly found myself looking up at him and my heart instatly thumped in surprise as I found those dark eyes of his already staring at me.

He didn't look anywhere near as bothered by our close proximity as I did. If anything, he looked pretty pleased with himself. It wasn't a mystery as to why. Sebastian clearly got off on making me uncomfortable.

As though confirming my point, his eyes seemed to sparkle with mischief and before I knew it, his lips were moving right up to my ear. The action made me jump a little, and I swallowed, as I felt the warmth of his breath tease against the column of my neck. With nowhere to go, I was forced to just stand there.

"Might as well, play a quick game of seven minutes in heaven, while we wait, hmm?" Sebastian whispered.

My mind jumped from shocked, to disgusted to furious in mere seconds. "You're not funny," I hissed as I aggressively pushed him back.

I might have pushed him back with a tad too much force, since the second his back hit against the wall, the whole wardrobe rattled.


Suddenly the distant sound of the TV was sharply cut off. "Is someone in here?" Max called out.

Sebastian and I whipped our heads to face each other with widened and panicked eyes.

Before I could even humor the idea of an escape plan, the floorboards squeaked as though someone was drawing closer.

Shit, shit, shit, shit. Think fast. Think fast. Think-

Abruptly, the closet door swung wide open, and blinking into the light, I found myself staring into the comically shocked eyes of both Lara and Max.

While I sort of froze, Sebastian greeted them with a nod of his head. "Erm, Sup, guys," he said with a slightly nervous laugh.

Max spluttered his mouth open and closed as though having a mental breakdown. "What the fuck are you guys doing in my wardrobe!" he finally yelled out as his eyes worked rapidly back and forth between the two of us.

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