I rolled my eyes. "Look, just shut your horny brain up for one second and listen to me," I snapped.

Sebastian's lips curved upward as though my pain amused him. "It might help if you weren't pinning me dramatically up against a wall like you're about to kiss me," he snickered.

Letting out a deep frustrated sigh, I dropped my hand from his chest and took a step back. "I'm so fucking fed up with this," I cried out, in a bitter laugh. "I honestly thought I could deal with this, but I can't. You're too much. I need you out of my life," I snapped.

Sebastian's smile lifted up bit by bit, till it was a full-blown grin; teeth and all. "God, I knew I'd break you, it was just a matter of time," he snickered. Smugly crossing his arms, he leaned in a relaxed manner back up against the wall. "Now, if this conversation means what I think it does, are you finally agreeing that we should break up our siblings?"

My first instinct told me to jump all in and agree, but then I hesitated as the guilt started to seep into me.

As though able to read my mind, Sebastian's brow plucked up with unimpress. "Don't tell me you're feeling sorry for your brother? Wasn't he the one, who after knowing you hated me, made you sit on my lap in the car, and forced you to share a room with me? It doesn't seem like he was being that sympathetic to me," he drawled.

At the back of my mind, I knew he was trying to manipulate me, but I couldn't help but be swayed by his words. As annoying as he was, he was right - Max had thrown me under the bus. He didn't have to put me in all these uncomfortable situations with Sebastian, yet he still did. Besides, couples break up all the time, so what's the harm in letting that date arrive a little earlier? If anything, I might be saving them from a greater heartache further down the line.

"Okay, fine, let's break them up," I finally snapped before I had a second more time to think. Sebastian's eyes seemed to smile. "Excellent doing business you with Brooks. Now let's shake on it," he said, as he presented out his hand for a shake.

I observed his hand, it looked warm and inviting with its brownish-gold undertones, and large open palm.

"To ridding ourselves of each other, for good," he smiled, as he patiently awaited my response.

Swallowing back any doubting feelings, I slipped my hand into his warm, large one and shook. "To ridding ourselves of each other, for good," I repeated back with a smile.


"You know your dog threw up on my coat while I was dog-sitting, right?" Ava piped up rather bitterly

from behind me.

With a snicker, I rolled my eyes before taking yet another step forward in the lunch line. "Yes, Ava, you have mentioned it a few billion times," I said flatly as I reached for a grilled cheese sandwich and placed it down on my tray.

"And you know, I would feel sorry for you if you weren't the reason, he threw up in the first place," I hummed, as I gave her a sly look over my shoulder.

"How the fuck was I supposed to know the kibble was out of date?" she snapped.

Across the table, the elderly lunch lady's head immediately whipped up. "Language, girls." She scolded.

Despite the fact, I didn't swear, I mumbled a sorry along with Ava and quickly grabbed myself a drink before scurrying along. Once we were all paid, we peeled off from the lunch line and started to make our way over to the tables.

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