Chapter 22 - A Ninja's Dream

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"Oh! Izuna has seen that movie!" The ninja perks up.

"You have?!" Pina squeals.

Suddenly, an explosion rings out nearby. "Oh, COME ON!" I shout, annoyed.

The three of us investigate, as we find a group of goons, not Mouryo shouting at a street vendor. "What? So this is no good?"

"Are you messing with us? Huh?!" Another yells.

"L-Look right here. The corner is ripped off..." The vendor weakly says.

"Knock it off! It's my prize, and I earned it!" The first goon yells.

"Give me that three thousand yen festival certificate and I'll draw every single prize in this shop!" The second says.

"P-Please, have mercy! How would I stay in business?!" The vendor yells.

The first goon cackles. "That's for you to figure out! This is how seasoned prize-drawing veterans enjoy a festival!"

Pina groans in frustration. "These kinds of troublemakers show up at every festival!"

"Ah yes, people who rip off vendors. Nothin' new." I say.

"Yeah, they're known as Draw Killers and are feared by all the festival merchants! We've gotta do something, Boss!" The blonde exclaims.

I hum to myself, as I walk up to them. "Sensei?" Izuna asks behind me, surprised from her tone of voice.

"Just try to stop us!" The second yells.

"Okay." I say, now standing behind them.

"Who are you?!" The first goon shouts.

"Someone who's gonna knock you out if you don't stop harassing this guy." I say sternly.

"You? You don't look like much." The second taunts.

"All right then, I'll give you a free shot, and you'd better make it count, 'cause if you don't-" I begin to say, only to be interrupted by one of them punching me in the face, with no effect. "-'cause you're gonna regret it." I say, savagely. The goons recoil in fright, seeing me unaffected by the punch. "Boo!" I yell, suddenly jolting forward, causing them to jump back and land on the ground in fright.

"That was awesome, Sensei!" Pina yells, running up to me.

"Y-You're gonna regret this!" The second one yells, as they run off.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Pina yells, beginning to run after them. "Don't run away, cowards!"

I look down to Izuna. Upon seeing her equally confused face, I just shrug. "Let's go get that ramen." I say, causing her to smile.


Izuna and I walk through the streets, lit only by the street lights and the moon. "Look, Sensei. Daigona!" Her nose twitches. "And that sweet scent is... cotton candy! And... Yakisoba! They're selling yakisoba too!" She giggles. "It all looks so delicious."

"You wanna fill up on this stuff before the ramen?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Er, no." Izuna admits, catching herself. "Still, this is so great! Izuna really loves the Hyakkiyako Cherry Blossom Festival. Izuna is so happy that we can enjoy it together, Sensei."

"Same here. It'd be a damn shame for it to be canceled." I say, causing Izuna to look down. "Still can't say WHO they are, can ya?"

"No! A true ninja would never leak the identity of their client! Izuna could never be a great ninja if she did that!" She says passionately.

Blue Archive - Story of Joshua SenseiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang