Chapter 21 - In Need of Assistance

Start from the beginning

"You know you don't have to keep up appearances around me." I say, causing her eyes to widen slightly. "Just be yourself, like I do. Now c'mon." I say, beginning to walk up to the large building.


A moment later, we enter the building and are greeted by a girl in a beautiful room. "Welcome, Sensei. We were waiting for you." She says, with a quiet tone of voice. "I'm Waraku Chise, a member of the Yin-Yang Club. Nice to meet you."

She has pale blue hair tied in two long braids, reaching her ankles with reddish-purple eyes, a similar color to dragonfruit, as well as two small oni horns of the same color jutting out from her forehead. On the right side of her face is a white, flower-shaped hairclip. She wears a white and blue sleeveless kimono with an oversized collar, her sleeves being separate pieces held by blue string to the main kimono. Her kimono is short, revealing much of her legs, save for her feet and a portion of her shin, which are covered by her tall blue, black and white socks, which, in turn, are covered by her blue and black sandals. Her halo is a pale blue, with two octagonal shaped rings, with four diamonds in the center. Sat next to her is a white grenade launcher with blue and black trim. Interestingly, the loading group has the kanji for 'oni' repeated all along it.

"Hey, Chise..." Shizuko begins, before stopping. "Wait. Did you just say you knew Sensei was coming?"

"How'd you know that?" I ask, a tad concerned.

"Niya told me." The oni girl, Chise, says like it's obvious, while speaking slowly. I suppose that's her default. "And now here you both are. The cute sensei and the raccoon."

"...Cute...?" I ask myself, confused. Since when am I cute?

Shizuko takes offense."Wha-?! Who are you calling a raccoon?! Where's that know-it-all president of yours anyway?"

"The president?" The blue haired girl asks with a head tilt. "She... Hmm... I think a black cat would make for a much better pet, personally." What...?

"No one asked you for suggestions!" Shizuko shouts. "Wait... Are you implying I'm some kind of pet raccoon?!" She then sighs and calms down. "Anyway, the whole reason Sensei and I came here was to meet with her. So, where is she, Chise?"

"The president?" She repeats. "She's out of office for the rest of the day. She should be back tomorrow."

"For the rest of the day?" The brunette idol asks.

"It's still early, right? Why's she gone?" I ask.
Chise just tilts her head. "To see... a cat?"

"Why did you phrase that like a question? Someone tell me what's going on!" The idol shouts.

"I'm just as lost as you." I say.

"It figures that annoying president isn't here when we need her most..." Shizuko grumbles.
"Look, Chise. Some goons have been trying to stop the festival, for whatever reason. There's an unknown amount of them and Shizuko, Izuna, Pina and I can't take care of all of them." I explain, lying somewhat. I COULD take care of them all, but I'd rather not get my ass beaten by rushing in too quickly.

"Yeah, I know all about the incident at the festival." The oni girl says.

"You do?!" The idol asks.

"The president said we can't help directly, but the Inner Discipline Club may be able to." The blue haired girl says, slowly as usual.

"The Inner Discipline Club?" Shizuko asks.

"There's been a similar claim from the Inner Discipline Club about the commotion at the festival. The president's stance is basically, if one group can't get it done, why don't they try working together?" The oni says.

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