Chapter 18 - Down Time V

Start from the beginning

About an hour passes as I finally finish, I stretch my body. Swiveling around, I see Mutsuki staring at me.

"Huh? Are you finally done, Sensei?" She asks with a tilt of her head.

"Yup. So whaddya want?" I ask.

"Well~" She drawls out the word. "I brought something for us to play together!" She reaches into her large duffel bag, and pulls out a pair of some kind of toy. "See this? I had fun plans for us today using this bracelet."

Lemme guess, it's a pair of shock bracelets...

"I dunno 'bout this..." I say, worried about the bracelet for some reason. I really hate shit that zaps you.

"Come on, Sensei. I though we could have some fun together." She pouts. "Can we play?" She asks with a cute pout, while getting close to my face.

"The puppy eyes ain't gonna work, Mutsuki. But, y'know what? Fine." I shrug.

"Woohoo! Let's play, Sensei!" She cheers, stepping back.

"All right, all right." I say, trying to calm her. "So, what's the bracelet for, anyway?"

"It's a heart rate sensor." She explains with her trademarked impish grin. "You wear this on your wrist, and it will go 'zap' if our heartbeats go too high!"

I knew it was a shock bracelet!

"What kinda game could we play with this?" I ask.

The imp girl just giggles. "Good question, Sensei. The rules are simple, we'll take turns trying to embarrass one another."

"And whoever gets zapped first loses?" I ask.

"That's right, Sensei!" She grins. "And the loser, obviously, should grant the winner one wish."

"... I didn't agree to that, but why not?" I say, just going with the flow of this.

"That's the spirit! Here you go, Sensei." She hands me the bracelet. We each put them on our wrists. "The game starts now! Since this is your first time playing, you can make this first move. Consider it mercy for a beginner."

I feel like she's teasing me. "I don't want mercy, I want you to try your best to win, so go first." I challenge.

"Are you sure?" She says, drawling out the last word. I nod, causing her grin to somehow widen. "All right, then. Brace yourself." She says, moving closer to me.

Where's she going with this...?

My question is answered instantly as she plops down in my lap. I'm still sitting in my desk chair, so she literally sits on my lap. She's facing me with her legs spread to go around either side of my waist. She then pulls my head forward and moves her mouth close to me ear and whispers "You're so cute, Sensei."

Okay, I definitely did not expect her to be this damn bold.

Looking at the bracelet, I don't feel any zap. "Huh. Guess it wasn't enough."

"What?!" She looks genuinely surprised. "Did you cheat, Sensei?"

"Nope. You can even feel my heart if you want." I say.

"Well, then." She grins again before putting her hand on my chest to feel my heartbeat. Her smile drops. "Wow, it really isn't beating fast."

"Told you."

"Hmm." She humms, before placing her other hand on my chest. "Wow, you're really muscular, Sensei~" She rubs all over my chest, trying to excite me, as I notice something. My bracelet has a small, glowing green LED on it, signifying that it's turned on. Mutsuki's isn't glowing, though.

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