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Phoebe was an emotional wreck.

Everything had gone to plan so far and I was extremely pleased with how well things were going.

The atmosphere was perfect, everybody was getting along and mingling, and the house was filled with hormonal, giggling women and rowdy, drunk men.

Not to mention the bunch of little people who were absolutely hell bent on climbing all over the furniture and causing a raucous.

"I'm so sorry about this." Johannah apologised to both myself and Harry, as her husband Dan picked up their twins with a single arm.

"They're not doing any harm, don't worry Jo." Harry laughed, to which he then looked at me and caused my ovaries to combust.

Him and children... was a painful combination for my reproductive system.

"Aw Liam, look!" Phoebs beamed, as she lifted up the pink Babygro above her for us all to see; "And Niall got you this to wear too!"

I looked up and grinned, just as everyone else cracked up laughing.

Dating my daughter will be a hazard to your well being!

"Baring in mind," Louis said nonchalantly, "We don't actually know if you're on Team Pink yet do we?!"

I rolled my eyes, knowing he was trying to rib me for earlier on with the decorations and was winding Phoebe up.

"Well, even if it's a boy, he can still wear pink." Harry replied, with a shrug of his shoulders.

"What, like his Uncle Harold eh?!" Louis mocked playfully.

"Pink is the only true rock and roll colour, Louis." Harry remarked, to which I couldn't help but smile in return.

My baby.

"Now boys, play nice." Phoebe smirked, "I'm sure it will get used regardless, thank you Niall."

"Welcome babe, there's loads of 'em toys over there too, Sam dropped them off before she-"

He stopped suddenly, and the atmosphere became tight and electric- and not in a good way.

I frowned, focusing on my cup as I took a small sip from it, sensing the most weirdest vibe coming from everyone within the room.

Well, mostly from Niall, Harry, Liam and Louis, and Phoebe and Dani to be exact.

They all went quiet, and unless I was fucking seeing things, they all became really awkward and flustered, until Phoebe's voice suddenly snapped up and brought everybody back down to reality.

"It's okay," she smiled, "I'm sure what you both picked is lovely, Niall. Thank you."

He smiled nervously, before turning back to his bottle, not saying another word.

Now that was just weird.

Why wasn't anyone else noticing this like I was?

Why wasn't anyone questioning him more on where Sam was?

Why wasn't anyone making a massive deal out of this, especially considering how close Sam had gotten to Phoebe when I wasn't on the tour?

What the hell was going on here?

"Alright?" Harry whispered, nudging me.

"Yeah... just thinking out loud." I said quietly.

"About what?"

I hesitated for a second, before I gazed up and looked at him, his eyes gesturing me to tell him.

"It's just... isn't this weird? That Sam isn't here? Nobody is questioning it and you're all acting like she died or something-"

Weird World [H.S]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu