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A wave of mixed feelings hit me, I felt paralyzed, almost like I had been punched in the gut and winded hard repeatedly.

I couldn't seem to breathe properly, and as I stared and locked my eyes upon the view in front of me, I felt a lump in my throat and a tight knot in my stomach.

I was the worst human being in the world, end of story.

Last night had been intense to say the least, Harry and I had showered, spent a huge amount of time lathering each other up while I enjoyed the view and feeling of rubbing my hands into his aching muscles, soothing them until they loosened up.

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been expecting us to have sex or to make love, but we were both so exhausted after the shower we retired to bed and slept soundly in one another's arms.

Which brought me to right here, right now.

I woke up to an empty bed, which I knew was going to happen because Harry had meetings and arrangements to meet with this morning.

I on the other hand, had the morning off from college and had nothing planned other than to sleep in and figure out a way on how I was going to break Alex kissing me to Harry.

And that's when I saw it, a handwritten note that filled me with so much emotion, I could barely handle it.

It was sitting there, on the bedside table, with a single red rose and Harry's spare keys to the house on the side.

With the move and unpacking, we hadn't really sorted out keys yet, but here I was laying in bed with a handwritten letter, a single rose and keys to my new home.

The last time I had received notes or something along the lines of this, was when Harry first met my Gran back at the flat- so this had come as a complete surprise to me and it made me feel a whole lot worse about the situation with Alex.

What a rollercoaster we've had, Izzy.

From the moment we first met, I fell in love with you, all of you completely.

Life is manic, but so incredibly exciting... but through everything that we have been through so far, all the lows, you being in remission, your depression and anxiety, I have always tried to be there for you... to be your beacon of light, to help you through the really tough days and to always reassure you that there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel.

I hope I have been that man for you, baby.

You say that I changed you, but you've changed me too.

You really are the greatest woman in the world.

Thank you for loving me the way that you do, but I love you just as much for all that you are, all that you have been, and all that you're yet to be.

Sometimes, home isn't bricks, sand, water, cement or four walls... it's two eyes and a heartbeat.

That's you.

You're the reason that I breathe day in, day out Izzy.

I want you everyday, even when you're mad at me, even when I irritate you and even when I piss you off, I want you.

I want your happy days and I want your 'I don't want to be here' days.

I want you first thing in the morning and I want you to be my last thing in the middle of the night.

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