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I gazed at my wrists, fighting the gentle smile that was beginning to appear on my face.

I was laying on my bed, the last of my things packed and ready to be shipped off to London, when I found myself sitting alone in my bedroom reminiscing about my life here.

So much had happened in the last year, that I needed a second to sit and take it all in.

It was strange to think that in the space of less than twelve months, I had been just a normal 21 year old working in a candle shop, in a relationship with somebody who I thought I loved unconditionally and then my whole world turned upside down when I was diagnosed with the cancer.

It was strange really, because I often wondered during my times of pure intense thought, that if I had never been diagnosed with cancer, I would never have met Harry... and I wouldn't be the person I was today.

Since meeting him, my life had changed in so many ways.

I had finally grown a pair and ditched Dan when I realised I deserved better, because sharing my life with somebody who couldn't and didn't give a shit about me or my welfare, wasn't worth jack shit or my time.

I had seen and done some incredible things, I went to my first One Direction concert (that in itself was something else) and I had travelled to some amazing countries thanks to Harry.

I had grown up and learned so much these past couple of months, about myself and about life in general- not to mention the fact that I had taken a gamble with Harry and thankfully everything had paid off.

I was healthy, I was happy, I was insanely in love with this incredible person who loved me for who I was on the inside and the outside, and now here I was laying on my bed in an empty flat, pondering about the next step I was taking in life.

And that was my impending move to London, with Harry.

I stared at my wrists again, my fingers running over each one at a time as I couldn't believe that I had done it- I had actually sat in the chair and got myself inked again.

Picking up my phone, I unplugged it from the charging lead and flew onto my back, opening up my lock screen and typing in the password.

I was feeling incredibly positive after the whirlwind of emotions I had felt this week, and I wanted to share my message with the world, to do something good.

So I did.

Being careful of the Clingfilm wrapped around both wrists that were saturated keeping the healing cream in place, I opened up Instagram and angled the picture that Harry had taken of my wrists into the framed shot.

I decided to have the words "Stay" on my left wrist and "Strong" on my right wrist, along with a inked version of Harry's lips so I always had his kiss upon my skin.

I quickly wrote my caption underneath, before posting it for the world to see... I just hoped that Gran's friend's grandson wouldn't bloody see it before I had the chance to tell her myself.

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