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The sound of chatting was excessively loud in the restaurant, and even though we hadn't been bothered all night because of the secluded spot we had been given, it still felt like people were staring- and staring at me.

Since Harry had posted his selfie of us the other day, this was technically our first ever public appearance, and to say I was nervous was the understatement of the bloody century.

It wasn't that I believed the attention was on me because of who I was with, in my head I was being stared at because I was the cancer girl who had cheated on her boyfriend with a pop star.

And I was really struggling to come to terms with that.

"Alright?" Harry suddenly murmured beside my ear.

Taking my glass, I mumbled a swift 'yeah' before taking a mouthful of the wine that we were drinking.

"Do you want to go home?" Harry asked quietly.

I shook my head, not wanting to make a scene.

"You sure, babe?"

"I'm sure." I responded, as my hand stroked his thigh under the table; "I just feel like everyone's staring at me."

"They are." Harry replied, "They're staring at you, but not for what you think they're staring at you for."

I smiled, leaning my chin against my clenched fist.

"You always know the right thing to say, don't you?"

"It's the truth." he responded quietly, "I had my reservations about Gemma doing your make-up, but you look beautiful baby. That red lipstick, hmm. I dig it."

I rolled my eyes playfully, earning myself a playful squeeze on my own thigh from him.

"Stop worrying. You look perfect. You are perfect."

"OK." I breathed relentlessly, forcing myself to relax; "Are you hungry?"

"Starving." Harry replied, reaching out for the menu so we could both look at it together; "What you reckon?"

He's always bloody starving.

"Give me the fattest, chunkiest, oiliest chips known to man." I groaned, rubbing my stomach as it grumbled loudly.

"You want chips?" Harry laughed, "Nothing else?"

"Don't be stupid!" I mocked him, as he grinned at me.

"That's my girl."

"Hey Izzy, did Harry ever tell the story about Gemma's ex boyfriend?" Des said to me, folding his menu in half and passing it to Jo, who was sat next to Gemma.

In order, going round the table, you had myself, Harry, Des, Jo, Gemma, Robin and finally Anne.

It saddened me a little, because it was times like this while I was getting to know Harry more and his family, that I wished my mum and dad were here, so they could join in on the fun too; but I knew that they were with me in spirit.

I would have loved for Gran to come up and meet Harry's family, but I knew she would never cope with the travelling and the distance, so that would probably never happen.

"No, he didn't." I said, catching Harry's awkward but wicked smile through his hands as he tried to hide it; "Why? What did you do?"

Harry laughed, "Okay, well first of all, I was still pretty pissed off with the way he dumped her alright? So I stand by my decision."

Gemma grinned, "In all honestly, I probably would have done the same if the tables had been turned. It was still pretty funny though."

"What happened?" I laughed nervously.

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