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The following morning, I woke up relatively early and was feeling surprisingly refreshed.

The warmth of the bed had enveloped me in a cocoon like state and I could barely lift myself up from the bed as I sleepily gazed at something really not that interesting on the side.

I was laying on my front, my head smashed into the gorgeous silk pillow that clouded my sense of thought when I suddenly felt movement beside me.

Turning my head, I saw that Harry was fast asleep, his chest naked to the air around us as the duvet only covered the lower half of his body.

I smiled to myself, my heart exploding as I slowly moved closer and began to sleepily trace my fingertips along his tattoos.

His hair was beautiful, his skin still bronzed from Europe and almost shiny in the sunlight that was coming from the large window in the distance.

He wasn't wearing a shirt and the sheets were hung low, giving me a perfect view of his tan body, rippled abs, firm pecks, treasure trail... that delicious 'v' leading to territories that only I had the pleasure of knowing and loving beneath the sheets.

His lashes fluttered gently against his skin, and his lips were parted only slightly... he was gorgeous even when he was asleep.

I bit my lip, lifting my right hand to caress his arm.

He didn't flinch at all.

I laid there thinking for a while, thinking of how I finally surrendered myself to him completely this morning with all my thoughts, fears and emotions... and how he was still here right now, laying right beside me.

I watched him intently, his chest rising and falling impeccably as he slept soundly, and I wondered what he was dreaming about... was he dreaming of me?

I thought about how I had opened up to him in the early hours of this morning, how my feelings poured out like an open wound which was something that I wasn't expecting to happen so easily.

Licking my dry lips, I kept my eyes on Harry, watching him sleep as I stroked his head, my fingernails raking along his scalp lightly.

He didn't budge, and that's when I knew he was completely gone to the world.

As I laid there next to his warmth, his scent surrounding me as I snuggled up next to him, I tried to think reasonably regarding last night.

I had to stand my ground and follow my word, because it was as if the light had finally crept in and I knew I had to let go of my past in order to move on into the future.

I sighed hard, licking my lip as I stretched backwards and stayed there, staring up at the ceiling as I tried to think of absolutely everything that I had said to Harry last night.

"You're up early..."

I turned my head suddenly, hearing Harry's voice thick with sleep, his tone lower and gravelly than usual as he stared at me longingly.

"I couldn't sleep." I whispered back, and I felt him move, nearing me as his arms snaked around my body and his own melted into mine from behind.

I felt his chest press against my back, just as his lips began to pepper light kisses upon me, our fingers now entwined just above the silk pillow case.

"You okay?"

"Hmmm," I murmured.

"Hey," he whispered, supporting my head as I turned my neck around to gaze up at him; "I love you."

"I know," I said lowly; "I love you too. I hope I haven't ruined this weekend for you... for us." I added, as Harry slowly frowned and shook his head against my own.

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