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An hour had passed before I was given the go ahead to go home, not that I was going to go 'home' because I had to see Phoebe.

I wasn't entirely sure of the situation in hand right now, as I wasn't sure if she was going home back to Liam's or if she was going back home to Wales, but intuition told me that she wouldn't be up for driving back there now, so she had to be staying with Liam here for a bit.

"She's in the canteen." Harry randomly spoke, his gaze firmly fixed on his phone.

He hadn't really spoken to me much since we left my cubicle, and I was dying to know what was going through his mind.

What was he thinking of me in this precise moment?

And why was he holding himself back from me?

It was a stark contrast to the Harry that I knew before this happened, because before he would have held me, comforted me and made me feel safe until I fell asleep in contentment.

Now he was just stuck in his phone, hardly touching me and making himself knowingly wary of me- and I hated it.

"Phoebe's in the canteen. She's going back to with Liam. She wants to see you before she goes."

His sentence was short and stumpy, straight to the point, and that hurt me.

"I'm going to catch up with Liam, make sure he's alright. I'll pick you up when you're done." Harry said formally.

He kissed me on the cheek, before turning on his heel and staring right back into his phone again, leaving me standing there in the corridor alone, confused and very afraid.

You've scared him away.

Holding back the tears and the insane burning ache in my chest, I pushed my way through the doors of the canteen and refused to accept that I had scared him away.

Harry wasn't like that, he wasn't insensitive and he definitely wasn't a cold person.

He could barely touch you, kiss you and even talk to you just now.

He's terrified you're losing your mind, which you are.

Shutting that vile part inside of my head up, I sniffed and willed myself to control my emotions as I clocked Phoebe sitting in the corner of the canteen, two cups of hot chocolate sat out on the table waiting for me.

It was then that I realised that this had already been put in motion and planned from the start, which would explain Harry's shifty behaviour.

If he couldn't get it out of me, then surely Phoebe would.

I knew him and my best friend, all too well.

At first I was pretty annoyed that this was happening, I mean Phoebs had been through enough as it was already, and she didn't need to be playing miss therapist with me because Harry had asked her too.

Well, I'm assuming he asked her.

Taking a seat at the table, I offered her a weak smile and was just about to open my mouth and ask her how she was feeling, when she beat me to it.

"Sooooo, for once I would like to be the centre of attention y'know?"

I had to give it to her, it made me smile and it definitely broke the ice, which is what I needed.

I laughed into my cup, feeling completely at ease with her, as she smiled a little tearfully from across the table.

"How are you feeling?"

Why are you even asking, it's not as if you care?

"A little better, shaken up... but good. I'm good." Phoebe responded, "How are you?"

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