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"You look like your dad, y'know."

I looked up from the comfortable position of Harry's chest, raising my head to gaze up as we laid on the hammock that Louis had safely (hopefully) created on the beach for us all.

Well, there were a few of them actually, but we just stole this one because a) it was closer to the hut and b) we were still able to watch the others play their ridiculous game of dodgeball.

Although Phoebe was cheating because she was using a god damn bat and kept using the excuse that she was pregnant, which then started Niall off saying it wasn't fair as baby Payno was technically classed as another team player on her team.

Honestly, the bunch of them were like a group of kids, Harry and I sometimes included.

"What?" Harry asked, a slight smirk on his face as I poked the beauty spot on his chin; "You do. I think you look like him."


He nodded, "Yeah... you've got the same high cheekbones and chin."

"Oh lovely."

"That's a good thing!" he laughed, to which I realised that he had been peeping through my Instagram feed; "But... I have to say, and I mean no disrespect what so ever, but your mum was a total fuckin' babe."

"Oi." I slapped him, "You're not supposed to say that!"

"Why not?!" he laughed, as he rubbed his chest lightly from where he had just been slapped; "I mean, have you seen that film with Ben Stiller?"

"Are you talking about Meet The Fockers?"

I knew exactly what he was going to do, just as he took on Greg Focker's 'I'm lookin' and I'm likin' line from the movie.

"You're an absolute idiot." I laughed, snuggling back down onto his chest; "Do you think I look like her?"

"Iz, you are the spitting image of her... I know you said before, but I didn't realise how much you actually looked like her. You are literally her double."

"Really?" I asked, the thought making me smile; "You really think I look like her?"

"Yeah, I do." he answered, his hand now cupping at my shoulder to pull me in tighter; "But I see your dad in you as well. You're lucky. You have them both in you."

"I think you look more like your mum."


"Yeah." I whispered, my finger tracing along the inked 'A' on his left shoulder; "That's for her, isn't it?"

"Yeah." he replied, "Why'd you think I look like my mum?"

I shrugged, "You just do... I see a bit of your dad in you too, actually, you have your dad's nose."

"Brilliant. I'll remember that one. Thanks babe."

I giggled, laying my head down again.

"I think Gemma looks more like your dad, but you look more like your mum."

"Are you tryin' to say I look like a woman?"

"Not trying, no." I grinned, feeling the slight sting on my ass cheek as he slapped me; "You have your mum's hair though." I snorted finally, unable to keep quiet.

"Right, that's it."

I squealed, begging for mercy as Harry dug his fingers deeply into my sides, the both of us erupting into fits of laughter as he tickled me and demanded me to give up and give in with an apology.

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