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"Here you go, I got here as quick as I could."

I looked up, my hand shaking visibly as I took the cup of hot chocolate from her.

"Bloody hell, what's happened?" Phoebe gasped, as she sat down opposite me; "Izzy, you're shaking-"

She took my hand and held it in hers, probably in some sort of hope that she'd be able to calm me down.

She didn't.

"What's happened?"

I stared at her, unable to speak, biting my lower lip as I tried my hardest to get my breathing under control.

"Iz, it's ok. You're ok. Is it a panic attack, again?"

I shook my head.

"Then what is it?"


It's always fucking Harry.

"You're going to have to start talking soon, the boys will catch on otherwise and wonder where we are-" she whispered, "So come on, what's going on?"

"I found something," I blurted, "Something that I shouldn't have this morning."

"Okay..." Phoebe droned out slowly, "What was it? Is it bad?"

"I really don't know." I said, my voice shaking with fear.

The truth was, this had been all that I had thought about since this morning and I still hadn't processed what I had found, so how the hell was I going to tell her when I couldn't seem to take it in myself?

I just had too.

"I was packing, this morning... we were late, as you know."

"Yeah." Phoebe whispered, "Iz, it's okay, just take your time and tell me-"

"And..." I choked, "He asked me, Harry, he asked me to finish up his packing because he'd gone to the toilet and we were rushing, so I did... and I found something."

"Okay," she blinked, "What did you find?"

Covering my mouth with my hand, I took a deep breath and willed myself to pull it together.

I had let it fester in me for so long, it was now starting to affect my use of vocabulary and my body in whole.

My palms were sweating, my heart was racing, and I was sure my shirt was literally sticking to my back.

I was an absolute mess, seriously.

"I think he's cheating on me."

"What?" she exclaimed suddenly in shock, "Hold on, back track, have you completely lost your fucking mind? What makes you think he's bloody cheating on you?!"

I lost it, I literally did lose it... the tears erupted quick and fast, and I turned my body to the side so nobody could see.

The last thing I needed was for somebody to recognise me and take a fucking photo of me in this state.

"Jesus fuckin' Christ Isabelle, are you hearing yourself?!" Phoebe gasped, "I mean, if it was Dan, fair enough I wouldn't question it- but Harry? Seriously?! Harry! What the bloody hell makes you think he's cheating on you? What would even possess you to-"

"He has a secret phone! If he isn't cheating, then why does he have a secret phone?" I blurted tearfully, "I found it, admittedly I didn't go through it, but I found it... and it's not his phone, I know what his phone looks like-"

"Isabelle, you can't go saying things like that or accusing him without any hardcore evidence-"

She was right, of course she was.

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