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Just like she had promised, Phoebe had arrived at the clinic less than fifteen minutes later and was in a hell of a mood.

I was worried for her state of mind and even gently asked her to slow down slightly because I was afraid of her bloody road rage as she drove us to the hospital.

I could tell that she was angry, and I knew what she was feeling... it wasn't nice and I certainly wouldn't wish being sold out on my worst enemy.

It was a horrible, horrible feeling and I could still remember the exact way Harry found out that day in the kitchen.

Phoebe still wasn't talking by the time we hit the maternity ward inside the hospital, and the stance in her was frightening.

She bit the receptionist's head off, she refused to answer any of her calls and she wouldn't even look at me as we sat in waiting area as we waited to be called.

Not the best way I imagined her first scan to go.

We sat quietly in the waiting room, next door to each other, when I suddenly felt the urge to hold her hand.

She was obviously upset and I honestly didn't want this to ruin her experience.

I knew she was already feeling it today because Liam wasn't here with her and a part of me wished that I could swop places with him, but I couldn't, and even though I couldn't take away her pain, I decided I could try and ease it a little.

So I took her hand in mine, and gave her a little squeeze.

Her reaction wasn't what I expected, she was surprised and obviously overwhelmed, but as she looked at me and smiled back gently, I knew that my presence here was greatly appreciated.

Phoebe still stayed silent though, and I gave her the space that she needed to get her head around this so called world exclusive article that was now available worldwide in the press.

I had considered calling Harry, wondering if he or Liam, or any of the boys really, had heard the news seeing as they were in Europe, but I figured that their team would have known or heard something by now surely?

Worse still, we wouldn't know any different really because neither of us could get bloody signal in the hospital anyway.

So we were stuck.

I wasn't entirely stupid either, I mean in the early weeks (up to around 14 weeks of pregnancy) pregnant women can feel very tired and sick, and there were certain smells and tastes that might make the woman feel nauseous, and she may nap a lot (definitely Phoebs lately) and she was definitely irritable.

So this really couldn't have come at a worse time, because she was already anxious and with the scare of a miscarriage not too long ago, I knew I had to be patient with her and support her in any way that I could.

"Thank you."

I turned my head at the sound of her voice, utterly surprised.

"For what?"

"For being here. Being my friend. I know how hard this is for you, and I really... really love you."

The tears were brimming in her eyes already, and God damn her, they were brimming in mine too.

Emotions were running high and I hadn't had the chance to tell her anything about today with Rachel, because with everything that had happened I just didn't deem it the right time to do so.

So I stayed quiet, and simply nodded in response, my hand gripping more tightly around hers as I decided to tell her afterwards.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

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