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"Hey... look, I'm just gonna jump straight in and say it, but I'm really, really sorry about the other night. I'm so embarrassed and utterly mortified about what I did, I really hope you can forgive me. I was way out of line and... I don't know, my emotions were running high through alcohol I guess. I'm really, really sorry Isabelle. I never meant for it to happen. It was just a drunken, stupid mistake. Please call or text me back. X."

"Hey... baby Izzy misses her auntie Izzy so very much. She says her daddy is an asshole and needs to get on his knees to apologise to her favourite auntie... so here I am, over text, on my knees and apologising to you. I'm really sorry, Isabelle. Please don't let this change us or what you feel towards the baby. I fucked up. I'll make it right, I promise. X."

"Me again... the baby started to hold her bottle by herself today! Just thought you would like to know. Thinking of you, hope London is going well. Give my regards to Harry. X."

"It's been almost two weeks now since that night, and I hoped we would have sorted it by now. I don't know how many times you would like me to apologise to you Isabelle, but I'm trying and have tried repeatedly. I'm just... that night was messed up and I was drunk. Please don't hold it against me. I would just like you to accept my apology and we will never speak of it again. You're too special and neither me or my daughter can lose you after losing Clare. Please just call or text... when you can. Belle sends her favourite auntie lots of drools, cuddles and sloppy kisses. X."

"Saw you've started college today via your Facebook... how was it? Hope it went really well. You're never to far away from my thoughts. I sincerely hope you are enjoying London and you are finally moved in with Harry. Also saw that the boys are almost done with their promo and then they're starting their hiatus? Bet you can't wait X."

"So Belle pretty much babbled her first word today... gathered it was dada, but I couldn't be quite sure if I'm being honest. It's probably all in my head, she's a little genius in my eyes. We miss you. X."

"Hi auntie Izzy, I'm being a very big girl today sitting by myself and playing nicely with my toys. Look at me being all clever. I miss you so very much. Please call me soon, I love you, your girl. xxx."

"I think I can finally take a hint. You're severely pissed at me, I get it. I fucked up and obviously you don't want to talk to me for that reason. Just know that I am really, really sorry and I never meant for any of this to happen. I never meant to hurt you or make you feel this way. I'm a mess. I miss my wife every second of everyday and I made a stupid, idiotic mistake. If it makes you feel better and I have to literally spell it out for you Isabelle, I'm not attracted to you in any way, shape or form. You are my wife's friend, my daughter's godmother, you're someone that my little girl will grow up with and that she'll look up to because her mother was cruelly taken from us. You were just unfortunately there in my moment of weakness. I didn't see you, I just saw a girl, a woman if you will and I felt lonely. I wanted that feeling back. This is driving me insane, it's been a month and you've still not acknowledged this shit storm that I have created. I'm sorry, okay? Haven't you ever made a mistake? I'm sure you have. You're in no position to judge me when I've been through the mill these past couple of months. I thought you would have been a bit more understanding of the situation and this would have been dealt with swiftly. I guess I thought you would have known better. You've done some messed up things too. I would hate for what I did to ruin our friendship, but it looks like it already has. I won't bother you ever again, only for updates regarding the baby, that's if you want to know. Enjoy London, hopefully Belle will see you soon. Alex."

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