She stopped the car and opened the door.

    As soon as Mu Jin got out of the car, Yan Zhu stopped her and looked up and down.

    "Xiao Jin, show me the test results." Yan Zhu said seriously, with a worried tone.

    Although she already knew the result on the phone in advance, she had to see it with her own eyes before she could truly feel at peace.

    Or rather, give up.

    "Ninety-five percent." Ye Xian came over, her eyes widened in surprise, and she covered her lips as if she couldn't believe it.

    Seeing her exaggerated acting skills, Lu Chan frowned.

    Wanting to say a few words, she held back when she saw Mu Jin's blushing cheeks with a smile.

    "Xiao Zhuzhu, let's go into the room and talk. Xiao Jin is also tired today, so go back to the room and have a good rest." Ye Xian took Yan Zhu's arm with a smile and led her into the room.

    Mu Jin obediently followed behind.

    Seeing that Lu Chan didn't follow, she turned around and blinked her eyes suspiciously.

    After a pause, he ran to Lu Chan's side and reached out to hold Lu Chan's hand.

    Lu Chan was stunned, subconsciously wanting to pull away, and promptly controlled this instinctive action.

    Ye Xian inadvertently turned her head and glanced at the fingers of the two of them, and the surprise flashed across her face.

    She was really surprised this time, not pretending.

    Ye Xian was stunned for a moment, and a smug and relieved smile appeared on her lips.

    Matching Mu Jin and Lu Chan's marriage may yield unexpected results.

    The former Lu Chan was the most perfect spokesperson for the Lu family. No matter what event she attended, she was the center of attention.

    In the eyes of outsiders, Lu Chan is elegant and beautiful, calm and self-controlled, and those indifferent eyes seem to be unmoved by anything.

    Such a cold and abstinent son of the emperor has attracted countless people who want to marry into the Lu family.

    It is also doomed that Lu Chan's marriage is inseparable from interests.

    The Lu family, whom everyone admires and yearns for, is only bright and beautiful on the surface.

    Lu Chan grew up in such an environment where interests come first, and it seems that she is born with cold-blooded ruthlessness.

    Usually, in communication with people, it is almost impossible for people to get close, but now Mu Jin can hold hands, which is enough to show that Lu Chan is gradually understanding feelings.

    If he can marry Mu Jin, maybe one day, Lu Chan can become like an ordinary person, who knows the warmth and affection of others.

    Ye Xian smiled with satisfaction and entered the room with Yan Zhu.

    Close the door and block the view from the outside.

    Ye Xian took the test results and said with a smile, "This degree of fit should be the highest in history, which also means that the two of them are the most suitable people in this world."

    Yan Zhu lowered his head and stared at the line of words. , did not speak.

    In the case of a higher contract degree, if one of the two parties is an Alpha or an Omega, the children born from the combination will be better.

Her Omega Little Dumb [ Rebirth ]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu