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The tyres of Harry's Range Rover were rolling repeatedly along the gravel, almost grinding against the tread of the pavement as he eventually pulled up directly in front of my flat.

The atmosphere between us was a little strained to say the least, but I put that down to us both being incredibly nervous.

We hadn't exactly spoken since I had asked him to leave two weeks ago, and even though we had lightly touched upon the subject at the hospital, I was still feeling really guilty about it all.

The sun was still shining brightly and just across the seabed, the sky was now a glorious icy blue colour- with the water crashing along the rocks loudly.

It was almost metaphoric in a way, as everything had recently come crashing down all around me lately.

Granted it was my fault partly, but still, I was completely overwhelmed with it all.

For us Welsh folk, Wales laid within the north temperate zone, and it had a changeable, maritime climate- which meant, unfortunately for us, that it was one of the wettest countries in Europe.

But, when we had sun, we one hundred percent had it and mostly everyone was out enjoying the weather.

Suns out, guns out, as they say.

Welsh weather was often cloudy, wet, and windy, with warm summers and mild winters; and the long summer days and short winter days resulted from Wales' northerly latitudes.

The ocean current, bringing warmer water to northerly latitudes, had a similar effect on most of North-West Europe and at low elevations, summers tend to be warm and sunny, which was pretty much what today was like.

It really was a beautiful, beautiful day... and it was even better now that Harry was right here beside me.

Watching him turn the engine off, I paused lightly and felt my nerves beginning to quake again deeply.

I hadn't seen him in two whole weeks since we broke up, and now that he was here and he knew my predicament with regards to being in remission, where the hell did that leave us?

Were we to carry on as normal?

Just get back together as if nothing had happened between us?

I had completely broken his heart and we had so much to talk about, but with the way he was looking at me right now, I didn't want to do any talking.

Actions speaks louder than words, right?

"How's your hand?" Harry asked, his voice suddenly breaking the silence and my thoughts.

I looked down on it, gazing at the tiny bit of cling film that was now covering the side of my hand.

"It's... alright. A bit itchy." I said quietly.

"Yeah, it will be for a while," Harry responded casually, "You've got cream for it though, did you say?"

"Yeah. I got some in the bathroom." I replied, hating this small talk between us; "Thank you. For taking me, I mean."

"Well, there was no way I was missing your first tattoo." Harry grinned, his dimple popping ever so slightly, "I mean, nothing screams 'I beat cancer' than having a tattoo. I just can't believe you did it. I thought you were going to pass out at one point."

"So did I." I grinned, looking down at my hand, "My gran is going to kill me."

Harry laughed, "Well, you're officially one of us, now Izzy."

I felt the pressure build in my chest, hearing my nickname fall so effortlessly from his lips.

I had really missed that, and I'd really missed his voice the past two weeks- but who the hell was I kidding?

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