Chapter 31

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It's 10 am and Yoongi is participating in one of his least favorite idol activities - company meetings. It's not that they aren't important, they are. They're just usually very boring and he wasn't that involved in this part of his career. It was usually discussions of his schedule - appearances, photo shoots, fan signs. Which interviews were the best to agree to. That sort of thing. 

Today, Jin seemed extra eager to get started - currently tapping his pen against his notebook and waiting on everyone to take their seats. Yoongi briefly wondered what could have him so wound up - another music video maybe? Unexpected interview? 

He was surprised to see Namjoon walk in the room - he never attended these meetings since they were about the business side of things. Not the music. Yoongi smiled and waved him over. Once Joon took his seat, Yoongi gave him a questioning look but he just shook his head in response. He didn't know why he was here either.

Jin stood up and walked to close the door of the meeting room. "Thank you all for coming today. We have some faces that don't come to these meetings often." He stopped and smiled at Namjoon who blushed a little before hiding behind his hands.

Jin continued as he made his way back to his seat. "We have some exciting news that requires bringing in talent from other departments. We have a lot of work to do and not much time to do it so we will be all hands on deck for the foreseeable future."

"Ok Jin...stop creating suspense. What's the news?" Yoongi asked because he was unable to be patient anymore.

Yoongi knew it was a big deal when Jin beamed over at him - completely ignoring his interruption as if it didn't happen. Usually he would get lectured on manners.

"You're going on tour Yoongi."

The room burst into cheers and applause. This was unexpected. He wasn't supposed to be popular enough to tour this first album. Maybe number two. But not this one. He felt Namjoon clap him on the back and join the cheers of congratulations. 

"I'm what? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure Yoongi. Your music is doing really well here in Korea and some other countries too. The company is finalizing dates and venues but it's definitely happening. That's why we have so many new people here. We have to start on details today. I'd like us to go around the table and everyone introduce yourselves to Yoongi and what your role with the company is."

"I'm long will the tour be?"

Jin's smile faltered just a little. Probably due to Yoongi being the  least excited person in the room. "I'm not sure exactly...a few months roughly?"

"Ok wow. That's awesome. I'm really excited to meet everyone," Yoongi forced out with what he hopes looks like a genuine smile. "Can I run to my car really quick first? I just need to grab my notebook."

"Of course. We can take five." Jin looked around the room.  "Everyone grab coffee if you need it."

Yoongi bolted out of the room, feeling like his chest was going to explode. He practically ran to the bathroom and locked the door before crashing down on one of the toilet seats and putting his head between his knees. He was practically hyperventilating.

Months? Away from home? Away from Jimin?

He knew that a tour in the future was likely. Even hoped for it. Future was the key word though. When their relationship had a solid foundation. Not now. They were just getting started.

He pounded his palm against his forehead a few times - trying to clear his head. He needed to think straight. A tour was amazing news. Rappers hardly ever got to tour a first album. He'd never hoped in his wildest dreams that he would go on tour for this album. 

He got up and paced the small bathroom. Jimin will understand. He cares about me too. We'll get through this.

He paced for a couple more minutes - repeating the words to himself over and over again. Finally, he knew he had to get back. He dashed out to his car to grab his bag so that he didn't show back up empty handed.

Walking back into the meeting room, he smiled genuinely and waved at everyone before taking his seat again.

Namjoon leaned in, "you ok hyung?"

"Yeah. Small panic attack. I'm good."

They spent the next several hours discussing the upcoming tour. It was scheduled to start in just a few weeks. Namjoon was going to produce the intro music and the breaks during Yoongi's outfit changes. 

The main takeaway for Yoongi was the volume of work to get done before the tour started. He had the intro video to film, meetings with stylists, practice with choreographers (yuck!), and rehearsals. He had to learn some phrases in other languages to speak to his fans while on stage. 

Thoughts of Jimin hovered in the back of his mind. All of this meant a busy schedule before leaving and he would be tired when he wasn't working. He was excited but it was tainted in fear. Jimin cares about me too he repeated in his mind several times during the meeting.

As soon as it was over, he texted Jimin asking to meet up.

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