"Don't you tell him about your wedding?"

"No Swamiji"

"But why?"

"I don't know how would he react"

"It doesn't matter how would he react. You have to tell him the truth. Don't delay, beta... some things should be done at the right time. Don't take much time"

"I will try, Swamiji"

"God bless you, beta" he disconnected the call.


Raizadas were having dinner. Khushi was serving them. When she came to Nani who was sitting next to Arnav, Arnav said,

"Di... I wonder..."

All of them stopped eating and looked at him to know what made him wonder. After serving Nani, Khushi came to Arnav and served him.

"Before I went into a coma, you were always nagging me to get married..."

Khushi's hand stopped hearing that. Arnav noticed it and smirked inwardly.

"But you are not even talking anything regarding my marriage now... what happened, Di?" Arnav read their expression.

Khushi gulped down hard, looking at Anjali.

"Why did you stop serving, Khushi?" Arnav asked.

"Haannn?" she nodded her head left to right and served him.

"Di, even Khushi wanted to know your answer it seems..." he smiled.

Anjali suffocated to answer.

"Sale Sahib, you just came out of the coma. Rani Sahiba doesn't want to stress you. That's why she is not taking marriage talks. Doesn't she know you don't like talking about marriage?" Shyam handled him.

"Is it, Di?"

Anjali nodded yes hurriedly.

"Thank God... I thought you are an incorrigible creature" Arnav laughed.

Anjali dropped her jaw.

"By the way Khushi, you came here to get a job, right?" Arnav asked Khushi.

She nodded yes.

"Did you attend any interviews?"

Khushi didn't know what to say. Anjali came for her help.

"She has been applied for a few companies and waiting for the call for"

"Mmm... when is your Pooja, Di?"

"Day after tomorrow morning, Chotte"

"After the pooja, I decided to go to AR. You too come with me to AR with your certificate when I go to the office" he said looking at Khushi.

Khushi got stuck whereas the other ladies became happier but only Shyam.

"Whaaaat? Didn't you get what I said? I asked you to come to AR with me..." Arnav said.

Khushi nodded yes.

"What did you get?"

"I should come to AR with you"


He took a morsel and stopped. He looked at Khushi,

"Do you have any problem working in AR?"

Khushi nodded NO hurriedly.

"You are here searching for a job, right?"

She nodded yes.

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