Chapter 12 - Down Time IV

Start from the beginning

Closing the book, I say "It'd be best to go to a professional for this kinda thing. It's a novel of some kind, clearly, but it's indecipherable. There isn't a language like this back home, either."

"Well, if you don't think it has any value, then it probably isn't worth much." She says, despondent.

"You lookin' for valuable stuff?" I ask.

"Huh?" She says, surprised. "Oh, no. Well, not exactly... I just happened to find it while cleaning up the classroom. Whenever I find anything that looks old or valuable, I can never stop thinking about them." She lets out a sigh. "But, I guess those kind of things don't just land in your lap..."

"Yeah. Well!" I say, standing up, holding the book out to her. As she takes it, I say "Guess you're due for a visit to the antique shop?"

She chuckles. "I guess so. Thanks for your help, Sensei."



As I left Abydos, Serika texted me.




Do you have time? You do, right?

Uh, yeah? Why?

You don't have a lot going on, right? So do some part-time work with me! I just need someone to assist me! Is that cool with you?

Oh, what the hell? Why not.

Then I'll see you soon!

This girl sure is pushy...

Pocketing my phone, I went to where Serika is, a place in the outskirts of the Hyakkiyako Disctrict.


As I reach the district, I'm taken by the architecture. It's all of oriental Japanese design, and is quite beautiful. Though, this really isn't Hyakkiyako, it's where it and Abydos' districts meet. Technically, Serika's still in Abydos.

As I reach her, she snaps at me. "You're late! I've been waiting forever!"

"Gimme a break, I was on the other side of the district! Besides, I'm right on time." I say, pointing to my watch, showing the time we agreed to meet at.

"Everyone knows you're supposed to show up a little early for a part-time job. Still, you're the only one who showed up. At least you're the reliable one." Did she ask others to help her to?

"Anyway, what's the agenda?"

"Here, take these." She hands me some...


"Top priority today is handing out these fliers. They need to go to passersby or in the mailboxes around the neighborhood. It's one yen per flier." She explains. "Speed is critical for this job! There are a lot of fliers to give, so I could really use the help."

"That's all? Just hand these out?"

"I think there's been a misunderstanding. I'm not asking you to hand them out. You're the one who's going to be watching over the shop." Failing to see the logic of me not helping out, but okay. "Stay here while I'm out there handing out the fliers. Have another bundle ready to go for when I get back. Then I'll pick them up and hand those out too. Rinse and repeat. Simple, right? I'll give you half of my pay for today, so let's do this!"

"All right." I say, handing her a big-ass stack of fliers. Not much out of the overall pile, though. "How many's this?"

"Five hundred." Before I can get a surprised word out, she says "I'll be back!" and rushes off.

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