Chapter 84-House of memories

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Jisoo and Rin gave each other a knowing look. They don't seem surprised by his behaviour.
"Sweetie, Taehyung is a very troubled young man I'm not sure how much of his true self he has showed you and I know what you are feeling isn't very nice. He's been though so much in his life that I am surprised he's still alive and that's coming from his own mother. But since he met you he has believe or not been better. He wants to live for you now and he cares for you deeply. He's just overwhelmed. I'll speak to him about getting some professional help. Its my fault for not doing it sooner. It's not fair putting the weight of his world on you." Jisoo reached across the table and took my hand to reassure me. Jisoo is a kind person at heart. It must be hard for her always worrying about he son.
"Thank you I really appreciate it. I hope talking to someone with a bit more knowledge can figure out how to help him. I'm just a little more worried at the moment as he has started disappearing, day or night he'd just randomly go. I don't know where he goes or who he's with. I ask but he never tells me anything. He comes home looking like he's been in a fight or something. Do you know where he goes?" I asked
"I mean usually he goes into town, he's most likely looking for trouble. I know that's not what you want to hear but that's what he did When he was younger and felt out of control so I'm just guessing he's still doing That. Does he do it when you both at your parents?"
"Oh... umm my parents are not okay with us being together. When they first met it seemed to be going well and the next morning my parents chased him out the house with frying pans and a gun. They saw the dark mark and yeah. It's hard at the moment."

Jisoo , Rin and I continued to chat for a while , then I helped them sort the kitchen and living room out. Jisoo ordered a carrier to take the stuff she wanted to her sisters. Everything left was going in the trash. Taehyung didn't want anything. Hearing him upstairs sounded like a full work force, hammering, banging, drilling and trash crashing in the lawn from being thrown from the window.

It was getting late so I decided to head home I called up to Tae from the bottom of the staircase, he came to the top of the stairs looking down at me.
"I'm heading home now, are you staying?" I asked, Jisoo and Rin where near by clearing the hall so they could hear everything.
"Yeah the sooner this place is cleared the better I'll feel. Are you going to the manor or your parents?" He asked leaning against the wall.
"My parents, I can come back tomorrow to help." I offered him.
"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow." With that tae just went back upstairs no hug, no kiss, no I love yous. Those things had become less frequent lately so it didn't shock me but I could see the surprise on Jisoo and Rin's face. Especially jisoos as she knew long before I did that Tae had a crush on me. I said goodbye to Jisoo and Rin and I could tell Jisoo was going to talk to Tae immediately. I left feeling sad but hopeful that his mum will get though to him.

Taehyung's pov

I came back up to the guest room, I'd ripped up the carpet , took the picture rail down and was now stripping the wallpaper. I then heard thunderous footsteps and the door slam open.
"You Kim Taehyung have some explaining to do." My mum burst in, you know it's never good when your mum says your full name. "Firstly what sort of goodbye was that to the girl you apparently love so much, secondly why are you behaving like you did as a teenager, getting into trouble coming back at all hours injured,and thirdly why on earth didn't you tell me about the court hearing!" She was angry. I thought for a second about what she said, and it hit me a harder than I expected cause ping an unexpected meltdown.
"Because I can't fucking cope. I can't fucking cope anymore. All my years of running away from my problems have finally court up to me, I don't know what I'm doing, what I'm saying ,where I'm going 99% to my waking hours. I feel like a fuck up. And living among people who have got their shit together doesn't help. Regans close relationship with her parents , lindsey and draco's perfect family. And now you and Aunt Rin's happy little restaurant. What the fuck do I have. Nothing. Well I guess today I got a house, a house where every inch reminds me of how shit of a life I've had. Forgive me mum if I sound ungrateful but it's the fucking truth and you know it.
I can't deal with the intrusive thoughts and flashbacks anymore. I can't think of anything else apart from suffering. I don't want push my problems on any of you but clearly I'm doing it regardless." I feel so sick and weak all the time, I don't have the strength in me anymore so I just sat on the floor defeated. "I'm fucked up and I don't know how to fix it." My eyes watered.

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