"Please don’t shout people’s names with such a loud voice."

"But I can’t help it when I see you."

"Here, a souvenir."

It wasn’t the same as Helen’s, but it was also an accessory.

"Thank you very much."

"So, what is the current status of the shop? Was there a good place?"

"Yes, there was a great place, so I reserved it. The only thing left is the money."

"How much is it?"

"About this much."

"Isn’t that expensive?"

The amount of money designated was ten times the price of the Bear House’s plot of land.

After I created the transfer gate, I bought the plot of land I was renting.

"There is a building on it this time, and it’s quite big."

"I don’t think I need a shop this big, though."

"What are you saying! It’s pudding, you know! It’s no good if it’s not big!"

She cried out to me from the reception with a really loud voice.

"Is that so?"

"That’s right. For now, let’s go see it. You can decide after that."

That was why we went to the shop I was considering purchasing…


From any angle I could see, it was a mansion.

It was a small one, but it was still a mansion.

"I asked for a shop, though…"

I was only thinking of a shop where you could buy junk food.

Yet, what stood in front of me was a mansion.

"So, it would be great if you renovated it to be a restaurant. It’s a mansion, so it comes with a kitchen. You can allow lots of people to enter, so it won’t trouble anyone passing by."

"Yes, but…"

"Anyways, let’s go inside."

Led by Mylene-san, I entered the mansion.

After opening the door and entering the house, there was a big stairway and a large space around it .

"You can line up tables and chairs on this floor."

"And on the second floor?"

"For the second floor rooms, I think you could prepare reserved seats. You could also prepare private rooms for couples, or something like that."

"And the kitchen?"

"It’s further inside. There are a lot of rooms on the first floor, so you will have lots of space to store the ingredients."

I did a simulation in my head.

I could make a system where you would buy food tickets at the counter, where the money and goods would be exchanged.

Or I could change it to a system where you paid after eating.

If it was the former idea, I would need to make a counter near the kitchen, and the people would be able to sit wherever they wanted.

If it was the latter, I would have to put a counter at the entrance.

Furthermore, it would be necessary to prepare a record of what they had eaten, or a receipt.

kuma Kuma Kuma BearTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon