"I'm going to kill you!" I screamed. Then no longer able to hold myself back, I snatched for my closest cushion and gave Sebastian a solid thwack around the face. He let out a muffled oomph sound, and once I'd pulled the pillow away, he looked a little taken aback. However, his shock only lasted for a second before he bit his lip and started to shake with laughter.

"Oh, you think this is funny, do you?" I laughed, my voice coming out animalistic. "Well, we'll see how funny you find this."

Then lunging forward, I went to absolute town on his face and started hitting him with merciless thwack after thwack. I wasn't going to stop until he was in tears.

But no matter how much I hit him, Sebastian wouldn't stop smiling. "Stop, Phoebe, I'm not into this kind of foreplay, I like it gentle," Sebastian yelled out loudly with the clear intention of getting our siblings to overhear.

"That's it," I hissed in between gritted teeth. Completely losing any last class that I had, I lunged for him jaguar style and threw myself down on top of him. And for whatever reason, Sebastian laid completely still underneath me and didn't make a move to get me off.

Still wearing that insufferable smirk of his, Sebastian's eyes continued twinkling evilly. "Hey, Max, your sister is trying to get on top of me and she's pinning me down," he yelled out at the top of his lungs.

As my face flushed hot with embarrassment, I tried my best to ignore him and further restrained him by throwing a leg over his torso.

"Phoebs, why are you straddling me? That's so inappropriate," he continued to yell out.

Officially, wanting him dead, I wrapped my hands around his neck and shoved him deep into the mattress.

Still shaking with laughter, Sebastian beamed up at me. "Phoebe, you're way too kinky. You know, I don't like violent sex," he called out in between a smile.

Wrapping my fingers, a little tighter around his neck, I stared down at him with murderous eyes while silently debating whether or not, I should go through with his slaughter. The only thing holding me back was my fear of imprisonment.

While I still hold him in a choke-hold, the door to my bedroom suddenly swung wildly open. The second it did, Sebastian and I both froze before turning to face the door with a horror movie-like slowness.

And low, and behold, stood in the entryway of my room was my older brother; Max who was staring at us with widened eyes of disbelief. His lips mouthed words as though he wanted to say something, but none passed through his lips.

And as I stared back at him with equally widened eyes, I realized how truly bad this looked. I mean, I was literally straddling Sebastian with my hands wrapped around his neck. And that in combination with the disturbing things Sebastian was yelling out, did not paint the greatest picture.

Finally, Max cleared his throat before sticking his head back out the door. "Lara," he called out. "My sister's sitting on your brother and holding him at chokehold. What should I do?" he yelled.

"Do, they both have clothes on?" I heard Lara's voice yell back up the stairs.

"Yeah," he called back.

There was a pause.

"Then, I'd say just close the door, and pretend you didn't see them," Lara yelled back.

Almost immediately, Max nodded his head. "Sweet," he called back. Then without another word, Max turned around and hightailed his way out of my room.

As the door closed softly behind them, several beats of silence deafened the room as the two of us dwelled on how truly terrible our elder siblings were at looking after us.

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