Chapter 11 - Down Time III

Start from the beginning

"Heh, not at all." I say, rolling up the mat, carrying it under my arm.

Her heterochromatic eyes widen. "I didn't know you were that strong, Sensei. You must work out a lot."

"Every morning. Let's get going."

Hoshino then leads me to an unused classroom, not as dusty as the storage room, but still covered in a layer of it. She points me to a spot in the center of the room. "This should be good. You can put it down here." I lay the mat down for her, completely flat.

She inspects it for a moment. "Hmm. The angle is a little off. Could you move it like..." She motions her arms, as I rotate the mat in that way. "There we go! Perfect!"

"What's the plan with the mat anyways?" I ask, wondering why she's put it in here.

She just giggles. "Isn't it obvious?" She's gonna sleep on it. I already figured that out-

My train of thought is interrupted by the short, pink-haired girl jumping on the mat. "The perfect napping spot is complete!" She cheers, raising her fists while laying on her back. I certainly wasn't expecting her to just flop down like that! "Now that I have a secret nap spot that no one knows about, you're not gonna tell the others, are you, Sensei?"

I just shrug. "Got no reason to. Still, you could've wiped off the dust first." I say, observing a thin layer of dust on the mat.

"You don't have to nag me." She says, deadpan, before smiling again. "Thanks though. Now I have a great spot to sleep." She snuggles into the mat cutely. "Hehehe~ It's so fluffy. You just can't resist genuine duck down."

"I wouldn't know, having never slept on the stuff." I shrug.

"Can't hear you." She says, her eyes beginning to close for longer than a blink. "Falling asleep... Sensei..." She lets out a cute yawn. "Nighty-night..."

She begins to lull herself to sleep. "I'm glad... I'm not... a whale..." She manages to say, before completely passing out. I idly notice that her halo disappears, fading away just like her consciousness.

I stare in awe for a few moments at the fact she could fall asleep that quick. Shaking my head and chuckling quietly, I slowly walk out of the room, and close the door.

'Sweet dreams, Hoshino.'


As I left the Abydos campus, I got a text from Kayoko, surprisingly.

Sensei, have you ever worried about the impression you make on others?

Not really. If people don't like me, I usually just ignore them. What brought this up?

I mean... I'm sure you've noticed that I look kind of threatening. I think that's why I keep getting into fights. There's not much good that can come from a bad first impression.

First impressions are important, after all.

Hoping I gave her a bit of good insight, I went to close my phone, only to receive another next from Hifumi of all people.

Sensei! Sensei!

What? What?

I have good news! I got some rare Momo Friends foods from the auction!

An auction? Why're you telling me?

Well, you did say the Ice Cream Peroro was cute, so..

I let out a sigh. Might as well indulge her...

Eh, fine. What'd you get?

Heehee, that's still a secret. I'll show you the next time we meet!

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