Her billionaire love

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"Ms Player remember we have a meeting in about 10 minutes."

"Thank you Miranda.Please make sure all the paperwork for the presentation is organized. This is a very important meeting for us today." I told my assistant as she was walking back to her desk.

Let me introduce myself. I am Ayesha player and I am the ceo of New Hope.

Our mission at New Hope is to help get funding for hospitals internationally. We work with different sponsors all over the world getting funding to help the hospitals with new equipment and other things to keep the hospitals going.

Me and a few of my friends from college decided to start this business about 4 years ago. Of course it wasn't easy ,but we never gave up. We were all determine to use our degrees and help these hospitals to be able to provide better care to all,even the underprivileged.

It was a must to us considering all of us are from very underprivileged families and we understand the hardships that come with it. We wanted to be the change and beat the out comes and we have done that so far. I graduated top of my class and achieved my masters in business management and my bachelors of science in nursing.

So I work at my company ,but every now and then I pick up shifts at local hospitals because I am a registered nurse. It helps me better to learn what the hospitals need in order to improve care. I don't just take the hospitals word for it. I actually go and work and find out on my own and actually talk to patients and determine concerns for different patients.
Well today at New Hope we have a very important meeting with a possible sponsor. I am very nervous, but me and my team have been working hard to prepare for this meeting. The meeting is with one of the richest man in the world. Mr. Trevor De Luca he is an Italian man who has businesses and clubs all over the world. He also invest in stocks and in different companies like Apple,Nike, and underarmour.
Aside from that he is also know as the most eligible bachelor and known to not really do relationships. He is known to just have flings because he can have any girl he wants. Of course there are always women throwing theirselves on him, but I could never do that. I don't care how rich he is or how good they look. I have already been burnt in the past and I have built a wall so high that I won't fall for the things regular women do. I don't really date because of this. Most men now are always trying to play the field or be in control and act like a women is beneath them,but not me. I know my worth and I won't let anyone try to tell me what my worth is.

"Mrs. Player?" I heard my assistant call my name
"Yes Miranda!"
"It's time for us to head to the conference room. Mr. De Luca should be here shortly." Miranda my assistant stated.
"Thank you! Let's head to the conference room." I told her.

We walked and opened the glass double doors to one of our many conference rooms. There was our long square wooden table with about 5 chairs on each side of the table and 2 at the head of table for me and my assistant. There was a large projector towards the other end of the table with the companies logo on it and each chair had a booklet of the presentation in front of their chair.

About 5 minutes of us arriving in the conference room and my partners coming in Mr. De Luca walked through the door.

He was wearing a black suit with a blue shirt. He had a Rolex on his right wrist. The aura that rolled off of him was overwhelming and I would be lieing if I said he wasn't attractive. Hell he looked like a Greek sex God. I quickly composed myself before he or anyone else noticed how I looked at him.

"Welcome Mr. De Luca I am Ayesha Player. We are so glad you could come see us today."  I told him while smiling and shaking his hand.

"Thank you for having us. Shall we get started? He asked.

I started on the presentations and explained what my company does. I also showed him what we would do with the money from his sponsorships and how we would be helping people especially the underprivileged. Throughout the whole presentation Mr. De Luca looked as if he had an intrigued expression on his face. I couldn't tell if he was going to agree to be one of our sponsors or not. I was hopeful though and I made sure to do my very best in presenting the information.

"Thank you for the presentation. Mrs. Player." He said.
"It's Ms. Player actually," I told him.
He smirked and said, "well Ms . Player, my people will be in touch. Thank your for having us."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. His voice was so damn sexy,but I had to snap out of it. It's just business between me and him. Plus I'm sure I'm not his type. Now it's just a waiting game to see if he agrees to being one of our sponsors.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed because I feel like he will be contacting us soon. I'm confident on my skills to break things down for other to see how they would benefit and make them want to be apart of the work we here at New Hope.

I feel like their was a connection between me and Mr. De Luca. Just like positive energy flowing and I could feel when it comes to business me and him are serious and stay on top of things making sure all aspects of things are getting handled properly.

Like I said before it's just a waiting game now to see if he actually is really interested in being one of our sponsors.
Thank you for reading the first chapter of my book. Feel free to share my story.
The word that are italicized and the ones in quotations are when people are having a conversation.

Will he agree to the sponsorship?

Her billionaire loveWhere stories live. Discover now