chapter 43

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Liu Yu didn't let him see it, and Song Shuyu didn't look at the picture book, even if the picture book was put away and placed in the bedroom where he slept.

Song Shuyu didn't think this kind of thing was unusual.

Some people will use some immodest means in order to make their picture books more competitive in the market, and it is still the lowest and most common practice to draw male and female love in the picture book.

I also blame him for being too careless when choosing the picture book, and the guy said what he said was what he wanted, and didn't look closely.

However, this kind of small thing should be forgotten when you wake up.

The next day, Song Shuyu saw Liu Yu with a pair of black circles.

Liu Yu kept yawning, while working and wandering, Song Shuyu walked behind him and shouted, but it scared him and his body shook violently.

Looking back at Song Shuyu, Liu Yu's expression instantly became uncomfortable.

"Zhen, Big Brother Zhen."

Song Shuyu looked at Liu Yu's abnormality in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, only asked, "When are we going out to chop firewood?"

"When I'm done feeding the chickens and ducks, I'll have to ask Aunt Zhang to borrow an axe." Liu Yu looked down at the ground with a low voice, as if he was back to the time when he was afraid of Song Shuyu.

Song Shuyu nodded, "Good."

Liu Yu stopped talking.

Song Shuyu's gaze landed on Liu Yu's slightly trembling eyelashes.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to talk to Liu Yu openly and honestly, telling Liu Yu that the content of the picture book was actually nothing, it was just one of the necessary stages of life, and Liu Yu would experience such things in the future.

But if you think about it carefully, Liu Yu is only sixteen years old, and he has no marriage contract on him, even if he will experience such a thing sooner or later, it will be a long time later.

Now that's said, it's too early.

"Call me when you go out." Song Shuyu said, "I'm waiting for you in the house."

Liu Yu nodded.

Song Shuyu returned to the house and began to copy books again, and when he finished copying a book, Liu Yu also returned from borrowing an axe.

Now late autumn is a good time to cut firewood, neither as hot as summer, nor as cold as winter, but the winter in Yutan Village will snow, when the snow water soaks the trees, not only the trouble of cutting firewood, but also most of the firewood back to the back can not be used, they have to prepare the firewood to be used throughout the winter before it snows.

This is no simple task.

Liu Yu carried a basket on his back, and inside was a bundle of thick rope and a sharply sharpened axe, as well as a bag of steamed buns freshly made this morning, each steamed white and fat, wrapped in two clean white cloths, and covered with a layer of banana leaves.

With their things in hand, the two men walked together toward the foot of the mountain on the east side of the village.

On the way, Liu Yu looked worried and did not say a word to Song Shuyu.

However, he was also a person who could not hide his heart, and what he thought in his heart was almost all written on his face, and Song Shuyu knew that he was still struggling with last night's events when he looked at it.

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