chapter 32

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Sending away Yang Langzhong, Liu Yu cleaned up the medicinal materials at home, the children were too diligent, even if they only sent a part of the medicinal materials to the county first, they could not hold it with the usual back basket, and could only take out the largest bamboo basket at home.

Liu Yu used cloth bags of different colors to pack the medicinal herbs according to different types, and a total of more than a dozen cloth bags were packed before and after, filling the large bamboo baskets to the fullest.

However, it was already afternoon, and it was definitely too late to come back to the county, so the day of going out was postponed to tomorrow.

The next day, just after dawn, Liu Yu got up and got busy, he was worried that this time like the last time, he would delay a lot of effort, and planned to finish the work at home first.

As time went on, the pale blue sky that had originally appeared bright was gradually illuminated by the autumn morning sun, and the cuckoo's call came leisurely from the deep valley behind the house, and the air mixed with the scent of grass and trees burrowed into the nose, taking a deep breath, which was really immersive.

Liu Yu drove the flock of chickens and ducks out of the cage to let the wind blow, and filled the food basin and the water basin.

At this time, there was some noise behind him.

Liu Yu looked back and found that Song Shuyu did not know when he got up, he had already dressed and was preparing to scoop water from the water tank to wash his face.

The water tank is placed in the yard, Liu Yu is diligent in carrying water, the water inside is rarely seen at the bottom, but the water tank is covered with a thick wooden board, and it is necessary to push the wooden board away some times in order to scoop the water into it with a water scoop.

Song Shuyu's injury was not yet well, so naturally he couldn't be blind.

"Big Brother Zhen!" Liu Yu was frightened by Song Shuyu's posture and shouted, and in a panic, he put down the small basin containing chicken and duck food in his hand, and ran over quickly, "You don't move, let me come."

Song Shuyu also just wanted to test whether he was powerful, and after feeling the difficulty, he immediately released his hand.

Liu Yu ran to his side, pushed him to the side according to his arm, and couldn't help but complain in his mouth: "Brother Zhen, you don't listen to Yang Langzhong's words again, Yang Langzhong told you not to do heavy work, you should always remember it."

Although Liu Yu had great strength, he only used very little force when pushing Song Shuyu, as if Song Shuyu was a porcelain doll that was easy to break when touched.

Song Shuyu responded amusedly, "Good."

"You can call me if you need it." As he spoke, Liu Yu had already pressed his two palms against the edge of the plank.

With a seemingly easy push, he pushed the plank, which was larger than the entire water tank, away.

Liu Yu took the water scoop and scooped a scoop of water into the basin, and when he looked at Song Shuyu again, there was a little more pride between his eyebrows, the corners of his mouth were upturned, and he raised his chin to Song Shuyu as if to ask for merit, "Brother Zhen, don't forget that you and I are such a powerful little helper."

Standing on the other side of the water tank, Song Shuyu could see the clear water constantly shaking in the water tank, and even his face reflected on the surface of the water was somewhat unrecognizable.

Somehow, there was also a pool of clear water in his heart, and he unconsciously shook it up.

It made him quite distraught.

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