chapter 1

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Yutan Village is a small village built on the steep Yutan Peak, which is about 20 miles away from the nearest Tongxi County, with a permanent population of more than 100 households, which is one of the better developed villages near Tongxi County.

Speaking of which, the yutan people who really make Yutan Village famous are the Yutan people who are raised by one side of the water and soil in addition to the beautiful scenery in the village.

The Yutan people here do not refer to others, but to Liu Yu, who lives in the thatched hut in the west of the village that cannot block the wind and the rain.

Liu Yu was a native of Yutan and had just turned sixteen a while ago.

Someone else's sixteen is one of the three great joys of building a house, marrying a wife and having children, but Liu Yu's sixteen is driven out of the house by his aunt who has been pulled from childhood to set up a portal.

But to say how good Liu Yu's aunt is, it is not necessarily.

Sixteen years ago, Liu Yu and his father carried the newborn Liu Yu back to Yutan Village from the capital, heard that he made a small fortune outside, and also brought back a lot of silver and a few land deeds, but unfortunately, he did not know what was tired outside, Liu Yu and his father's body was in deficit, and within a year he left Liu Yu in his swaddling and died.

Later, it was Liu Yu's aunt Liu Chunhua who adopted Liu Yu.

However, at the same time as adopting Liu Yu, Liu Chunhua also stole the silver two and land title deeds left by Liu Yu and his father.

Liu Chunhua did not regard Liu Yu as her own, she had a son who was the same age as Liu Yu, and she spoiled her son to be petting and arrogant, not only did she usually work less, but also the degree of eating and wearing was one of the best in the village. As for Liu Yu, from childhood to adulthood, she was called to drink as a subordinate, eating the least amount of food, doing the most work, and picking up torn clothes that her son did not want to wear.

Until Liu Yu turned sixteen, Liu Chunhua couldn't wait to send Liu Yu away with five or two pieces of silver.

What can five or two pieces of silver be used for?

After building the house, the rest is afraid that there is not enough chai rice oil and salt to buy.

At that time, this matter was spreading in Yutan Village, and everyone was not a fool, how could they not see what kind of calculation Liu Chunhua was playing?

It was nothing more than worrying that Liu Yu would have her own ideas when she grew up and ask her for the money left by her father.

But where is Liu Yu such a person?

In the whole Yutan Village, the person with the best temper was Liu Yu.

The houses of the two families of Aunt Zhang and Aunt Wang are near Liu Yu's thatched house, and a while ago Liu Yu ran around to find materials to build a thatched house, and the two families really made a lot of efforts.

They had looked at the child pitifully, thinking that since they had become neighbors, they would help more, but the child was still so polite that he had to do some work in return, and this morning he came to take away the clothes they wanted to wash at home.

They had just gone to the field to deliver food to the men of their respective families, and they were standing at the intersection chatting about the Liu family, when they suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure carrying a basket on their backs.

Aunt Zhang turned her head to look at it, and quickly revealed a kind smile: "It's Xiao Yu."

The person who came was Liu yu that they had just discussed.

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