Chapter 10 - Foul Conspiracy

Start from the beginning

"Right again, Sensei!" Nonomi chirps.

"Hoh? You managed to summarize it pretty well." Hoshino congratulates.

"Well, at least you girls had an interesting morning." I groaned.

"What happened with your business this morning, anyway, Sensei?" Ayane asks.

"Long story short, Problem Solver and Schale have a sort-of partnership now. I also stopped by Gehenna to tell the Prefects they won't have to worry about 'em being a thorn in their sides anymore." I explain. "Then I stopped by Shiba Seki, ate, and came here."

"Well, I think it was interesting, Sensei!" Nonomi says.

I chuckle. "Thanks, Nonomi." I lean forward in my seat. "So, what's the take?" I joke, once again causing the wolf girl to smile.

The girls and I begin looking through the documents. All I got were unimportant ones, but Serika-

"What in the heck is this?!" The cat girl shouts, slamming her hands on the table. We all move over to look at what's pissed her off.

"Look at the truck's transport log. 'Abydos - 7,800,000 yen collected'." Shiroko reads off. "But right after that, it says 'Kata-Kata Helmet Gang - 5,000,000 yen delivered in mission funds."

"So that means..." Nonomi trails off, almost afraid to finish her sentence.

"Looks like y'all were right." I say solemnly. "As much as I wish you weren't."

"Right after they took our cash, they delivered it straight to the Helmet Gang's base to fund their mission?!" Serika shouts in outrage, her bangs shadowing her face and her, now glowing, red eyes.

"By mission, do you mean...?" Ayane asks.

"Yes. Kaiser funded the Helmet Gang to harass you girls. Seems my theory was sound, after all. Goddammit." I say, smacking my palm on the table.

If there's one thing I really hate in this world is betrayal. Problem Solver betraying us was given a pass, since they're just students, but this? Fuck no.

We remained in tense silence as I went through the papers. I even found proof of their agreement with Problem Solver.


"I know a lot happened today, but I still had fun." Hifumi says with a smile as we all stand at the Abydos School's gates, all of us having calmed down.

"Same here. Sorry for bringing you into this mess, Hifumi." The green-eyed blonde apologizes.

"That's okay." The honey eyed girl says with an awkward laugh.

"Don't be a stranger, you hear me?" Hoshino jokes.

"I won't." Hifumi says resolutely. "We don't have all the details, but I'm sure the Kaiser Corporation must have direct ties to violent criminal organizations. I'll pass along what happened here today to the Tea Party, as well as Abydos High School's circumstances."

Hoshino eyes the Trinity girl for a moment. "Fair warning: I bet that's gonna be old news to the Tea Party."

"I-It will be?!" Hifumi says, surprised.

"I doubt the hot shots at all the other academies haven't figured it out by now." Hoshino points out. "It's not like they don't have the manpower to dedicate to intelligence gathering."

"B-But that means they knew about you and still didn't..." Hifumi trails off.

"People often place themselves above others." I say, drawing everyone's attention. "Those in charge place their people before other people. It's not surprising no other school's helped Abydos yet, especially with such a large debt. Plus, seeing as how Abydos used to be the biggest school around, it would've taken a stupidly large amount of money and time to help. On top of that, the other schools would benefit from the biggest school's collapse."

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